package org.apache.continuum.web.test.listener; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; import; import org.apache.continuum.web.test.parent.AbstractSeleniumTest; import org.testng.ITestResult; import org.testng.TestListenerAdapter; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class CaptureScreenShotsListener extends TestListenerAdapter { @Override public void onTestStart( ITestResult tr ) { System.out.print( "Test " + tr.getName() + "... " ); super.onTestStart( tr ); } @Override public void onTestSkipped( ITestResult tr ) { System.out.println( "Skipped" ); super.onTestSkipped( tr ); } @Override public void onTestFailure( ITestResult tr ) { captureError( tr ); System.out.println( "Failed" ); super.onTestFailure( tr ); } @Override public void onTestSuccess( ITestResult tr ) { System.out.println( "Success" ); super.onTestFailure( tr ); } private void captureError( ITestResult tr ) { captureScreenshotAndSource( tr.getTestClass().getName(), tr.getThrowable() ); } public static void captureScreenshotAndSource( String cName, Throwable throwable ) { Selenium selenium = AbstractSeleniumTest.getSelenium(); if ( selenium == null ) { // avoid swallowing exception System.err.println( "Not capturing screenshot as Selenium is not initialised" ); return; } String locator = "link=Show/hide Stack Trace"; if ( selenium.isElementPresent( locator ) ) { locator ); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy.MM.dd-HH_mm_ss" ); String time = sdf.format( new Date() ); File targetPath = new File( "target", "screenshots" ); StackTraceElement trace = getStackTraceOfCallingClass( cName, throwable.getStackTrace() ); String methodName; int lNumber; if ( trace == null ) { System.err.println( "Unable to determine the calling method from class " + cName ); throwable.printStackTrace(); methodName = "unknown"; lNumber = 0; } else { methodName = trace.getMethodName(); lNumber = trace.getLineNumber(); } String lineNumber = Integer.toString( lNumber ); String className = cName.substring( cName.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ); if ( !targetPath.exists() && !targetPath.mkdirs() ) { System.out.println( "Unable to create screenshots directory" ); return; } String fileBaseName = methodName + "_" + className + ".java_" + lineNumber + "-" + time; System.out.println( "Capturing screenshot at " + fileBaseName + ".png" ); try { selenium.windowMaximize(); File fileName = getFileName( targetPath, fileBaseName, ".png" ); selenium.captureEntirePageScreenshot( fileName.getAbsolutePath(), "" ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { System.out.println( "Error when take screenshot of error: " + e.getMessage() ); } try { File fileName = getFileName( targetPath, fileBaseName, ".html" ); FileUtils.writeStringToFile( fileName, selenium.getHtmlSource() ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { System.out.println( "Error writing HTML of error: " + ioe.getMessage() ); } } private static File getFileName( File targetPath, String fileBaseName, String ext ) { File fileName = new File( targetPath, fileBaseName + ext ); int count = 0; while ( fileName.exists() ) { count++; fileName = new File( targetPath, fileBaseName + "_" + count + ext ); } return fileName; } private static StackTraceElement getStackTraceOfCallingClass( String nameOfClass, StackTraceElement stackTrace[] ) { StackTraceElement lastMatch = null; for ( StackTraceElement el : stackTrace ) { String className = el.getClassName(); if ( Pattern.matches( nameOfClass, className ) ) { lastMatch = el; } } return lastMatch; } }