------ Jabber Notification ------ Olivier Lamy ------ Nov 19 2007 ------ Wagon Notification [[1]] Under Notifiers from the Project Information page, click Add. [[2]] On the Add Notifier form select Wagon from the pull-down menu and click Submit. [[3]] On the next page, enter the Project Site URL. It must be a Wagon URL like the URL used in <<>>. For the Webdav protocol, you can use <<>> or <<>> if you want to copy it locally with the file protocol. [[4]] Enter the ServerId. This should match the value of the <<<\>>> in the server configuration found in <<>>. Sample configuration follows: +------+ admin admin123 continuum.site +------+ Using the server configuration in <<<[user_home]/.m2/settings.xml>>> is a workaround for user authentication using the wagon notifier. The <<<\>>> and <<<\>>> should be set to the user account that has the <> and <> roles. [../../images/notifier-wagon-add.png] Add Wagon Notifier [[5]] Select the “Send on ...” options you want. [[6]] Click Save. The Wagon notifier you just added will be listed under Notifiers on the Project Information page along with the other notifiers you may have set up prior to this. [] The file protocol will create <<>> file locally in the location specified in the Wagon Notifier configuration. If you used the Webdav protocol, a <<>> file will be copied to your disk, relative to where you told it to be placed when you set up the Wagon notifier. You can also view the <<>> file from a browser at the Project Site URL you specified.