------ Notification ------ Emmanuel Venisse ------ Oct 3 2007 ------ Managing Notification Notifiers can be attached to a Maven project by adding them to the pom in the {{{http://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Continuous_Integration_Management}ciManagement section}}. +-------------------------------+ continuum mail true true false false
+-------------------------------+ Or they can be added to a Project Group with the Notifiers link: [../../images/notifiers-link-project-group.png] Notifiers Link Or to a project with the Add button on the Edit Project page: [../../images/notifiers-button-project.png] Notifier Button Here you select between Notifier implementations provided with Continuum: [../../images/notifiers-type-choice.png] Notifier Type Choice You have the following choices: * {{{mail.html}Mail}} * {{{irc.html}IRC}} * {{{jabber.html}Jabber}} * {{{msn.html}MSN}} * {{{wagon.html}Wagon}}