------ Monitoring a Continuum instance ------ Wendy Smoak ------ Oct 3 2007 ------ Monitoring a Continuum instance * JConsole * Edit $CONTINUUM_HOME/bin/\[platform\]/wrapper.conf to add: ------------------------ wrapper.java.additional.9=-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote ------------------------ * Start Continuum * Start jconsole, (included with Sun JDK 1.5 and later,) select the 'WrapperSimpleApp' line, and click Connect The following image shows starting Continuum 1.1, adding a project group, then adding and building the trunk of the Shale Framework (14 modules): [../images/jconsole1.jpg] The following image shows the same Continuum instance running for several hours: [../images/jconsole2.jpg] * Garbage Collection and Heap Size Edit $CONTINUUM_HOME/bin/\[platform\]/wrapper.conf to add: ------------------------ wrapper.java.additional.10=-verbose:gc or wrapper.java.additional.10=-Xloggc:gc.txt ------------------------ The first sends to the console (and wrapper log) while the second sends to the filename that you tell it to. Example output: ------------------------ 420.568: [GC 62459K->58474K(65104K), 0.0074933 secs] 420.778: [GC 62634K->58733K(65104K), 0.0060762 secs] 420.919: [GC 62893K->58832K(65104K), 0.0034433 secs] 421.015: [GC 62992K->58723K(65104K), 0.0026420 secs] 421.067: [GC 62883K->60885K(65104K), 0.0107248 secs] 421.140: [GC 65045K->62114K(66384K), 0.0122194 secs] 421.153: [Full GC 62114K->32136K(66384K), 0.3591207 secs] 421.655: [GC 36296K->32242K(65104K), 0.0037377 secs] 421.754: [GC 36402K->33061K(65104K), 0.0037182 secs] 421.835: [GC 37221K->33120K(65104K), 0.0028722 secs] 421.930: [GC 37280K->34582K(65104K), 0.0056601 secs] 422.074: [GC 38742K->35150K(65104K), 0.0072451 secs] before->after (total), time ------------------------ This shows the heap size before and after garbage collection as well as the total heap size and the time for the GC run. * References * [http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/jconsole.html]