------ Appearance Configuration ------ Olivier Lamy ------ Nov 13 2007 ------ Configure Appearance ~~%{toc|section=0} * {Banner} You can configure the right logo of the banner including title and link on the image. You have to add some information in a pom (like a company pom) (coming from org.apache:apache in this example) : +----------------------------+ The Apache Software Foundation http://www.apache.org/ http://www.apache.org/images/asf_logo_wide.gif +----------------------------+ From the menu, choose the 'Appearance' entry : [../images/configure-appearance.png] Appearance Use the 'Select a Company POM' link : [../images/select-company-pom.png] 'Select a Company POM' The result will be displayed (using org.apache:apache in this example) : [../images/selected-company-pom.png] 'Selected a Company POM' Note : the pom is searched in central repository and the repositories available for the active profiles from your <<<${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml>>> * {Footer} You can configure the footer by putting your own html content in the 'Appearance' entry of the menu. [../images/configuration-footer.png] 'Configure footer' The default value is : +----------------------------+
Copyright © 2005-${currentYear} The Apache Software Foundation
