------ Guide to Install Continuum on GlassFish ------ Emmanuel Venisse ------ Oct 26 2007 ------ Guide to Install Continuum on GlassFish V2 Instructions for installing, deploying, configuring Continuum for GlassFish. Sections: ~~%{toc|section=0} * {Datasource Configuration} * Create a connection pool named '<>' for your database * Create a JDBC resource named '<>' linked to the '<>' connection pool * Create a JDBC resource named '<>' linked to the '<>' connection pool * {Install Continuum} To Install Continuum, you'll need the Continuum war. Look at {{{https://glassfish.dev.java.net/downloads/quickstart/index.html#ProcedureTo_Deploy_From_the_Admin}Procedure To Deploy From the Admin Console}} in GlassFish. * {Continuum Configuration} By default, the '<<>>' and the '<<>>' are stored under the WEB-INF directory. If you want to change them (necessary on Windows due to the path length limitation), you can configure them in the {{{../administrator_guides/configuration.html}Configuration page}}.