------ SOAP API ------ Dan Diephouse ------ Fri Jul 8 2005 Getting Started Continuum has a SOAP API which makes it easy to add, remove, view and manipulate builds from within your applications. Continuum includes a client to access this API. Alternatively, you may generate a client from favorite SOAP toolkit (such as the toolkits for PERL or .NET) using the WSDL found at {{http://localhost:8080/continuum/services/Continuum?wsdl}}. If you are using a client other than the one mentioned below, the code should be roughly the same. The API provides the following operations: * addProject * getProject * remoteProject * updateProject * checkoutProject * removeProject * getLatestBuild * getCheckOutScmResult Using the Bundled Java Client * Creating a Client +--+ import org.apache.maven.continuum.xfire.ContinuumWebService; import org.apache.maven.continuum.xfire.ContinuumClientFactory; import org.apache.maven.continuum.xfire.Project; import org.apache.maven.continuum.xfire.Build; import org.apache.maven.continuum.project.ContinuumProjectState; ... ContinuumWebService continuum = ContinuumClientFactory.createClient("http://localhost:8080/continuum/services/Continuum"); +--+ * Adding A Project +--+ Project project = new Project(); project.setType("maven-two"); project.setScmUrl("scm:svn...."); continuum.addProject(project); +--+ The project type tells Continuum what type of project to expect. Valid values are "ant", "shell", "maven-one", and "maven-two". * Getting the latest build +--+ Build build = continuum.getLatestBuild(project.getId()); if (build.getState() == ContinuumProjectState.OK) doSomething(); else if (build.getState() == ContinuumProjectState.FAILED) punishDevelopers(); +--+ Notes for other Toolkits * Project State In one of the above code snippets, you see that we can check the build state. The build state can be one of several values: *---*------------------------* | 1 | New Build | *---*------------------------* | 2 | Successful Build | *---*------------------------* | 3 | Failed Build | *---*------------------------* | 4 | Error building | *---*------------------------* | 6 | Build in process | *---*------------------------* | 7 | Checking out from SCM | *---*------------------------* | 8 | Updating from SCM | *---*------------------------*