------ Events ------ Events * {{{http://eu.apachecon.com}ApacheCon Europe 2009}} [http://www.eu.apachecon.com/page_attachments/0000/0087/125_basic.jpg] ApacheCon Europe 2009 {{{http://www.eu.apachecon.com/c/aceu2009/sessions/170}Apache Continuum - Build, Test, and Release}} (Fri, March 27, 2009 at 2:00 PM) {{{http://www.eu.apachecon.com/c/aceu2009/sessions/171}Enterprise build and test in the cloud}} (Fri, March 27, 2009 at 3:00 PM) * {{{http://www.agile2008.org/}Agile 2008}} {{{http://submissions.agile2008.org/node/4663}Maven and Continuum - building an ecosystem for Agile builds and testing}} * ApacheCon US 2008 Intro to Apache Continuum - Fast Feather talk