Test with Firefox and Selenium IDE * Start Continuum * Open Firefox and navigate to Continuum (it should be on the "Create Admin User" page.) * in Firefox, Tools -> Selenium IDE * in Selenium IDE, File -> Open Test Suite and choose src/test/selenium-ide/continuum_test_suite.html * in Selenium IDE, modify the Base URL if necessary (for example, http://localhost:8080/continuum) * in Selenium IDE, click the 'Play entire test suite' icon Run Selenium tests in src/test/it with Maven and Cargo using support for multiple data sources * modify src/test/resources/it.properties as needed * mvn clean install Run Selenium tests in src/test/java with Maven and Cargo with alternate configuration * modify src/test/resources/it.properties as needed * edit pom.xml and remove * for snapshot version of selenium(1.0-beta-SNAPSHOT), modify settings.xml/pom.xml to point to this repository http://nexus.openqa.org/content/repositories/snapshots * mvn clean install Run Selenium tests in src/test/testNG with Maven and testNG * Start Continuum * Config admin user for continuum application * modify src/test/resources/testng.properties as needed * mvn clean install -f testng-pom.xml Note that this does not install anything, it simply runs through the lifecycle including the integration test phases. More properly it would be 'mvn clean post-integration-test', but install is much shorter to type. :) After you have run through the lifecycle once to set up the container and webapps, you can re-start it using: mvn cargo:start ======= OLD INSTRUCTIONS FOR src/test/it BELOW ======= Test Continuum with Tomcat 5.x and firefox 'mvn clean install' or 'mvn clean install -Ptomcat5x,firefox' Test Continuum with Tomcat 5.x and Internet Explorer 'mvn clean install -Ptomcat5x,iexplore' Test Continuum with Tomcat 5.x and a specific browser 'mvn clean install -Ptomcat5x,otherbrowser -DbrowserPath=PATH_TO_YOUR_BROWSER' Test Continuum with Tomcat 5.x and firefox wherein your firefox executable is not in the default installation directory 'mvn clean install' or 'mvn clean install -Ptomcat5x,firefox -Dbrowser="*firefox ' Test Continuum with Tomcat 5.x and Internet Explorer wherein your Internet Explorer executable is not in the default installation directory 'mvn clean install' or 'mvn clean install -Ptomcat5x,firefox -Dbrowser="*iexplore ' WARNING: If you specify your own custom browser, it's up to you to configure it correctly. At a minimum, you'll need to configure your browser to use the Selenium Server as a proxy, and disable all browser-specific prompting. http://release.openqa.org/selenium-remote-control/nightly/doc/java/com/thoughtworks/selenium/DefaultSelenium.html#DefaultSelenium(java.lang.String,%20int,%20java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String) If you'd like to run the tests from your IDE, you can start the container from Maven using: mvn selenium:start-server cargo:start The server will run until you press Ctrl-C, and you can run the tests from the IDE.