$Id: RELEASE-NOTES-1.0.txt,v 1.1 2002/12/15 07:37:19 martinc Exp $ Commons Validator Package Version 1.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons Validator package. Because Struts 1.1 depends on Commons Validator, it is important to have a stable Validator release before Struts 1.1 is released. In addition, Validator has never had a release, meaning that there has been no stable release for other developers to work from, only the nightly build. With a clean bug list, Validator seems ready to go out into the world for a 1.0 release. On the other side of the release, we anticipate improving the documentation, writing more test cases, and doing some code cleanup. NEW FEATURES: N/A, first release BUG FIXES: See Above