$Id$ Commons Lang Package Version 2.4 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: This document contains the release notes for the 2.4 version of Apache Commons Lang. Commons Lang is a set of utility functions and reusable components that should be of use in any Java environment. INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES WITH VERSION 2.3: INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES WITH VERSION 2.2: - Calling stop on a suspended StopWatch will no longer change the underlying time. It's very unlikely anyone was relying on that bug as a feature. ADDITIONAL INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES WITH VERSION 2.0: - The Nestable interface defines the method indexOfThrowable(Class). Previously the implementations checked only for a specific Class. Now they check for subclasses of that Class as well. For most situations this will be the expected behaviour (ie. its a bug fix). If it causes problems, please use the ExceptionUtils.indexOfThrowable(Class) method instead. Note that the ExceptionUtils method is available in v1.0 and v2.0 of commons-lang and has not been changed. (An alternative to this is to change the public static matchSubclasses flag on NestableDelegate. However, we don't recommend that as a long-term solution.) - The StopWatch class has had much extra validation added. If your code previously relied on unusual aspects, it may no longer work. - Starting with version 2.1, Ant version 1.6.x is required to build. Copy junit.jar to ANT_HOME/lib. You can get JUnit from http://www.junit.org. See the developer's guide for more details. DEPRECATIONS FROM 2.3 to 2.4: - ObjectUtils.appendIdentityToString(StringBuffer, Object) - has very odd semantics, use ObjectUtils.identityToString(StringBuffer, Object) instead. DEPRECATIONS FROM 2.2 to 2.3: - None DEPRECATIONS FROM 2.1 to 2.2: - None DEPRECATIONS FROM 2.0 to 2.1: - The enum package has been renamed to enums for JDK1.5 compilance. All functionality is identical, just the package has changed. This package will be removed in v3.0. - NumberUtils.stringToInt - renamed to toInt - DateUtils - four constants, MILLIS_IN_* have been deprecated as they were defined as int not long. The replacements are MILLIS_PER_*. BUG FIXES IN 2.4: * [LANG-76 ] - EnumUtils.getEnum() doesn't work well in 1.5 * [LANG-328] - LocaleUtils.toLocale() rejects strings with only language+variant * [LANG-334] - Enum is not thread-safe * [LANG-346] - Dates.round() behaves incorrectly for minutes and seconds * [LANG-349] - Deadlock using ReflectionToStringBuilder * [LANG-353] - Javadoc Example for EqualsBuilder is questionable * [LANG-360] - Why does appendIdentityToString return null? * [LANG-361] - BooleanUtils toBooleanObject javadoc does not match implementation * [LANG-363] - StringEscapeUtils..escapeJavaScript() method did not escape '/' into '\/', it will make IE render page uncorrectly * [LANG-364] - Documentation bug for ignoreEmptyTokens accessors in StrTokenizer * [LANG-365] - BooleanUtils.toBoolean() - invalid drop-thru in case statement causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException * [LANG-367] - FastDateFormat thread safety * [LANG-368] - FastDateFormat getDateInstance() and getDateTimeInstance() assume Locale.getDefault() won't change * [LANG-369] - ExceptionUtils not thread-safe * [LANG-372] - ToStringBuilder: MULTI_LINE_STYLE does not print anything from appendToString methods. * [LANG-380] - infinite loop in Fraction.reduce when numerator == 0 * [LANG-381] - NumberUtils.min(floatArray) returns wrong value if floatArray[0] happens to be Float.NaN * [LANG-385] - http://commons.apache.org/lang/developerguide.html "Building" section is incorrect and incomplete * [LANG-393] - EqualsBuilder don't compare BigDecimals correctly * [LANG-399] - Javadoc bugs - cannot find object * [LANG-410] - Ambiguous / confusing names in StringUtils replace* methods * [LANG-412] - StrBuilder appendFixedWidth does not handle nulls * [LANG-414] - DateUtils.round() often fails IMPROVEMENTS IN 2.4: * [LANG-180] - adding a StringUtils.replace method that takes an array or List of replacement strings * [LANG-192] - Split camel case strings * [LANG-257] - Add new splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens() methods to StringUtils * [LANG-269] - Shouldn't Commons Lang's StringUtils have a "common" string method? * [LANG-298] - ClassUtils.getShortClassName and ClassUtils.getPackageName and class of array * [LANG-321] - Add toArray() method to IntRange and LongRange classes * [LANG-322] - ClassUtils.getShortClassName(String) inefficient * [LANG-326] - StringUtils: startsWith / endsWith / startsWithIgnoreCase / endsWithIgnoreCase / removeStartIgnoreCase / removeEndIgnoreCase methods * [LANG-329] - Pointless synchronized in ThreadLocal.initialValue should be removed * [LANG-333] - ArrayUtils.toClass * [LANG-337] - Utility class constructor javadocs should acknowledge that they may sometimes be used, e.g. with Velocity. * [LANG-338] - truncateNicely method which avoids truncating in the middle of a word * [LANG-345] - Optimize HashCodeBuilder.append(Object) * [LANG-351] - Extension to ClassUtils: Obtain the primitive class from a wrapper * [LANG-356] - Add getStartTime to StopWatch * [LANG-362] - Add ExtendedMessageFormat to org.apache.commons.lang.text * [LANG-371] - ToStringStyle javadoc should show examples of styles * [LANG-374] - Add escaping for CSV columns to StringEscapeUtils * [LANG-375] - add SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS_VISTA field * [LANG-379] - Calculating A date fragment in any time-unit * [LANG-383] - Adding functionality to DateUtils to allow direct setting of various fields. * [LANG-402] - OSGi-ify Lang * [LANG-404] - Add Calendar flavour format methods to DateFormatUtils * [LANG-407] - StringUtils.length(String) returns null-safe length * [LANG-413] - Memory usage improvement for StringUtils#getLevenshteinDistance()