$Id$ Commons JEXL Package Version 2.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: ============= JEXL is an Expression Language supporting most of the constructs in the JSTL Expression Language, along with some additional extensions. http://commons.apache.org/jexl/ Changes in this version include: Incompatible Changes ==================== Now requires Java 1.5 or later. The following classes have been deprecated: * ExpressionFactory * ScriptFactory Please create a JexlEngine and use createExpression() or createScript() instead. The following classes have been removed: * VelMethod * VelPropertyGet * VelPropertySet Please use JexlMethod, JexlPropertyGet and JexlPropertySet instead. The following methods have been removed: * Info.getTemplateName() - use Info.getName() instead * Expression.addPostResolver() / Expression.addPreResolver() - set ant-like variables in JexlContext, implement a specific JexlContext or derive JexlcontextInterpreter/JexlEngine instead Division (/ operator) behavior change: * Division between integers no longer casts its operands to double; integer division allways results in a integer. New Features: ============= Assignment expression: a = b (and a.b.c = d) * Assigns a variable (ant-like variable or bean-property) Ternary operator expression: a ? b : c (and a ?: c) * The usual inline conditional shortcut and its 'Elvis' form (a ?: b evaluates as a ? a : b) Constructor call expression: new('my.class.name', arguments...) * Creates a new instance of a class using the most appropriate constructor according to the actual arguments Function namespace: ns:func(arguments...) * A function namespace allows the use of class or instance methods in function calls UnifiedJEXL * Adds ${...} and #{...} JSP/EL syntax support on top of the JexlEngine JSR-223 support * Implement JSR-223 Scripting Engine for JEXL script (need BSF-3.0 on Java < 6) Error and exception handling * Configuring the leniency and verbosity of the Jexl engine allows user control over the error handling policy Bugs fixed: =========== Other Changes: ============== o Add @since 2.0 tags to code so we can track API additions via Javadoc