$Id$ Commons FileUpload Package Version 1.1.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION ============ This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons FileUpload component, and highlights changes since the previous version. Documentation for this release is available on the FileUpload web site: http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/fileupload/ NOTE: This release of FileUpload requires Commons IO 1.1. UPGRADING FROM 1.1 ================== This version of FileUpload is a drop-in replacement for FileUpload 1.1. UPGRADING FROM 1.0 ================== Upgrading from FileUpload 1.0 can be as simple as recompiling your application with the new version. However, it is likely that you will get deprecation warnings when you do so, since changes have been made to the exposed API of FileUpload to make it more suitable for use in both Servlet and Portlet environments. You can, of course, elect to ignore those deprecations, and leave your code changes until a subsequent version of FileUpload in which those deprecated methods are removed. To upgrade your code and remove references to the deprecated methods, please see the FileUpload User Guide. BUG FIXES ========= Please see the Changes report for a full history of bugfixes. http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/fileupload/changes-report.html The following are the two bug fixes in this release: * FILEUPLOAD-20 Cache disk file item size when it is moved to a new location. * FILEUPLOAD-30 File names were being inadvertently converted to lower case.