Commons Email Package Version 1.2 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: ------------- Commons Email aims to provide a API for sending email. It builds on the JavaMail API with the aim of presenting a simplified API which is easy for developers who are not mail experts to use. It is a compact component with a small number of classes. The Commons Email website is the source for the most recent information, downloads, reports, and bug status: This is a maintenance release which fixes several bugs present in the 1.1 release and adds a number of small enhancements requested by users. All current users are encouraged to upgrade. CHANGES FROM 1.1: ----------------- == Compatibility == * Java 1.4 or later is now required. Earlier versions are no longer supported by Sun. * JavaMail 1.4 or later and JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1 or later are now required. == New Features == * Email.setFrom and Email.addTo are using Email.charset to properly encode the name. * SimpleEmail#setMsg() with UTF-8 content honors correct charset in header and does encode the content correctly now. * Created additional methods to support timeouts. * Create an overridable method in to create the MimeMessage instance. * Add getTo and getReplyTo to Email class. == Fixed Bugs == * If setHostName() has not been called, getHostName() tries to return this.session.getProperty(MAIL_HOST). If mail session has not been created yet, this will throw a NullPointerException. Now getHostName() checks that this.session is not null before trying to access it. * Provide better diagnostics when attaching documents fail. * When mail authentication is required and no username/password is supplied than the provided mail session is used. If a username/password is found the implementation creates a new mail session and a DefaultAuthenticator as convinence implementation. * Using Kenneth's implementation of HtmlEmail.buildMimeMessage() to fix a couple of HtmlEmail layout issues. Also thanks to Martin Lau and Morten Hattesen for providing in-depth analysis of the problem. * During regression tests write out the generated MimeMessage instead of WiserEmail.toString(). REQUIREMENTS: J2SE environments ----------------- Commons Email requires JavaMail 1.4 or later. The Sun implementation is available at: However, the Apache Geronimo project ( provides a J2EE-certified implementation of the JavaMail 1.4 specification licensed under the Apache Software License. Commons Email also requires the JavaBeans Activation Framework unless you are runnning on Java SE 6 or later. The Sun implementation is available at: Apache Geronimo likewise provides an implementation under the Apache Software License. Commons Email has been tested with JDK 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 J2EE environments ----------------- Commons Email is compatible with all certified Java Enterprise Edition 5 implementations; no further dependencies are required. Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 users must ensure that the versions of JavaMail and JAF indicated above are available to their applications; the J2EE 1.4 specification only requires earlier versions. Earlier versions of J2EE are not supported.