The Jakarta Commons Digester Component

$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.12 2004/09/09 20:38:19 rdonkin Exp $
[Introduction] [Dependencies] [Release Info] [Committers] [Action Items]


This scope of the Digester component is primarily oriented to XML -> Java object mapping.

A Digester processes an XML input stream by matching a series of element nesting patterns to execute Rules that have been added prior to the start of parsing. This package was inspired by the XmlMapper class that was part of Tomcat 3.0 and 3.1, but is organized somewhat differently.

The original source was donated by the Struts Framework subproject.


The Digester component is dependent upon implementations of the following standard components for development and use:

It is also dependent on a compatible set of Jakarta Commons library components:

Compatible Dependency Sets
Digester+Logging 1.0.x+BeanUtils 1.x+Collections 2.x
Digester+Logging 1.0.x+BeanUtils 1.x+Collections 3.x
Digester+Logging 1.0.x+BeanUtils 1.7-


Current Release: Version 1.6


The following individuals are the primary developers and maintainers of this component. Developers who plan to use Digester in their own projects are encouraged to collaborate on the future development of this component to ensure that it continues to meet a variety of needs.