== overview The files in this directory are intended as an example of how to use the Apache Digester's basic functionality via its java interface. Topics covered: * how to read xml from a string (instead of a file) * how to use Digester.getRoot() to retrieve the "root" object created when parsing an input file. * how to use the "factory create" rule to create java objects which do not have default (no-argument) constructors. * how to use the "set properties" rule (advanced usage) to map xml attributes to java bean properties with names different from the xml attribute name. * how to use the SetPropertyRule. * how to use the ObjectParamRule to pass a constant string to a method. If you haven't read the "addressbook" example, it is recommended that you start there first. This example demonstrates more advanced features of the digester. == compiling and running First rename the build.properties.sample file in the parent directory to build.properties and edit it to suit your environment. Then in this directory: * to compile: ant compile * to run: ant run Alternatively, you can set up your CLASSPATH appropriately, and run the example directly. See the build.properties and build.xml files for details.