How to do a Apache Commons Deamon release ========================================= Check out a clean copy of commons daemon from subversion to make sure you don't have any lingering configure or build files. This will make sure that the source distribution created is clean. We assume, that you checked out to a directory named daemon. All further path names will be relative to this directory. If you haven't already, add your public PGP key to KEYS. Update version numbers as needed -------------------------------- Do a find for all the docs which include the previous version string and replace it with the new version. TODO: explain what exactly needs to be changed. Maven tasks ----------- To build the documentation: (See mvn site:generate (Do not forget to get ../commons-build: (cd ..; svn co commons-build)) To deploy the documentation to the apache site: mvn -Dmaven.username=${} site:deploy To deploy the Java jars to the Nexus staging repo: mvn clean mvn deploy -Prelease [-Ptest-deploy] The test-deploy profile will deploy to target/deploy; omit for the live deploy Note: do not use clean in the same invocation. Not sure why, but with Commons-Parent v21 this results deploying the non-Maven archives (zip and tar.gz) as well. They can be deleted before closing the repo, but it is easier not to create them.