## Aim: Report on JIRA issues that need attention, and provides a status of the components ## ## Details: ## Need to loop over a list of Commons component (not Sandbox or Dormant; and not any dormant/retired ones that have their own jira) ## Report on: ## # of new issues this month ## for each version: ## # of issues open and closed per version ## List each unversioned issue ## ## ## A Jira Swizzle script from dblevins for pulling out information from the Commons JIRAs on the ## issues we've not made a decision on yet ## #set( $void = $params.required( "username" , "[a-zA-Z0-9]+", "the username to be used for XML-RPC authentication" ) ) #set( $void = $params.required( "password" , "[a-zA-Z0-9]+", "the password to be used for XML-RPC authentication" ) ) #set( $void = $params.validate() ) ## #set( $jira = $xmlrpc.connect("${username}:${password}","http://issues.apache.org/jira/rpc/xmlrpc") ) ##

Commons JIRA Report

#set( $projects = $jira.getProjects() ) ## #foreach( $project_key in ["BEANUTILS","BETWIXT","CHAIN","CLI","CODEC","COLLECTIONS","CONFIGURATION","DBCP","DBUTILS","DIGESTER","EMAIL","FILEUPLOAD","IO","JEXL","JXPATH","LANG","LOGGING","MATH","NET","POOL","SCXML","VALIDATOR","VFS"]) ##foreach( $project_key in ["JELLY"]) #set( $versions = $jira.getVersions($project_key) ) #set( $versions = $versions.subtract($versions.equals("id", "-1")) ) #set( $project = $projects.equals("key", $project_key).get(0) )
${project.name} - [jira]
#end ## Do I need to xmlrpc.logout?