$Id$ Commons Chain Package Version 1.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: ============ The changes-report.html provides details of changes in each release: o http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/chain/changes-report.html For more information on Jakarta Commons Chain, see o http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/chain/ NEW FEATURES: ============ o CHAIN-28: Provide a Map of Cookies in the WebContext. o CHAIN-14: Add new DispatchLookupCommand. o CHAIN-26: Add new test for LookupCommand. o CHAIN-20: Add new DispatchCommand. o CHAIN-19: Provide a mechanism for encoding catalog and command in a single string. CHANGES: ======== o CatalogBase - add constructor which takes an already built map of commands, for easier use in dependency-injection environments. o Expose catalogFactory so that subclasses can get at it. o CHAIN-3: Decouple CatalogFactory lookup from LookupAction. o ChainResources - factor out the comma-delimited parsing into a separate method, fix the whitespace-skipping bugs in it. o Add support for using LookupCommand in a way which does not pass through the result from the looked up command. BUG REPORTS ADDRESSED: ===================== o CHAIN-30: ServletSessionScopeMap always forces a Session to be Created. o CHAIN-31: Portlet Map implementations' entry Set should contain Map.Entry elements. o CHAIN-29: Remove Static Log instances - see here. Issue: . o CHAIN-11: Modify DispatchCommand so that it will compile using JDK 1.3 (remove JDK 1.4 method). o DispatchCommand - fix bug in handling InvocationTargetException. o CHAIN-9: Maven build updates. o CHAIN-25: DispatchCommand should unwrap InvocationTargetException. o CHAIN-12: Make ContextBase live up to the Serializable contract that it inherits by virtue of extending HashMap. o CHAIN-6: CopyCommand does not work unless setValue is called. o CHAIN-1: Code fragment from 'cookbook' is incorrect.