SCAFFOLD STATUS ======================================================================= [Ordering is LIFO. Last thing done for a day is the first item listed.] // ------------------------------------------------------------ CHANGES 01-AUG-2002 ----------- + resources/ Add stub file for messages in lang.TOKENS. + lang.Token: Add PROCESS_COMPLETE + struts.BaseAction.createHelper: Change to throw runtime exception if helper fails. + sql_article: Add "article.insert.welcome" + README.txt: Update to match current status. 31-JUL-2002 ----------- [port updates from 1.0] + text.ConvertUtils: Add isUpperOrNull. + Deprecate sql.CreateTable + sql.StatementUtil: Deprcate CreateTable in favor of AccessBase.executeUpdate. + sql.AccessBase: Add new utility with commonly-used methods for store, delete, restore, et al. 1_0 <-> 1_1 + // imports in lucene,model,struts,util packages; 19-JUN-2002 ----------- + struts.ProcessResult: Add check for null form-bean. Will pass null or map for profile bean, if any. 18-JUN-2002 ----------- + lang.Tokens: Add terms for ERROR_CANCEL, ERROR_TOKEN. + stuts.BaseAction,ProcessAction: Remove cancel,token handling to ProcessAction 17-JUNE-2002 ------------ + struts/BaseAction: Add isStruts_1_0() method to expose/not expose MESSAGES. 13-JUN-2002 ----------- + struts: add CheckAttributeAction and RemoveAttributeAction. + move deprecated struts classes in an "attic" subfolder. + move scaffold/struts package into its own folder. 12-JUN-2002 ----------- + struts.RenderRss: Add simple action to render a Channel bean. + struts.BaseAction.getProperties: Return the default properties object. + http.ResourceServlet.loadProperties: Add saving the properties to application scope. + lucene.Engine: convert indexPath to WORM field. Add init() to set at startup. + sql.ConnectionAdaptor: does not seem to be calling getKey() when tested with Resin. Others OK. 11-JUN-2002 ----------- + sql.ConnectionAdaptor, et seq: Refactor to use getDataSource method and to cache default datasource. + sql.ConnectionAdaptor,ServletAdaptor,PoolmanAdaptor: Test and document all three. + sql.ConnectionServlet: Add support for adaptor.key and ServletAdaptor. + sql.ServletAdaptor: Initial version to support datasources exposed through in servlet context. + sql.ConnectionServlet: Initial version to configure ConnectionAdaptor. + sql.StrutsAdaptor: Initial version to lookup Struts generic datasource. Needs testing. + sql.ConnectionAdaptor: Refactor so uses default JNDI lookup for DATA_SOURCE; + http.ResourceServlet: Refactor original design into initLogging, initDefault, initCustom. 10-JUNE-2002 ------------ + http.ResourceServlet: Initial version; base for application resource-loading servlet. + sql.StatementUtils: Update to call ConnectionAdaptor. + sql.PoolmanAdaptor: Initial version to test subclassing ConnectionAdaptor. + sql.ConnectionAdaptor: Refactor from ConnectionPool. Use singleton pattern to allow subclassing. + utils.ResourceUtils: Initial version to provide utility method for Property and Resource files. + .package-template.html: Add as sample for package overview documentation. + Update/confirm JavaDocs throughout. 07-JUN-2002 ----------- + struts.ProcessAction.CheckData: Change to use mapping.getAttribute() if result name is null. + struts.ProcessAction.CheckData: Change to use Tokens.RESULT_KEY if result name is null. + utils.ProcessResultBase: Change class default name to null. + struts.ProcessAction: Revise * to handle single objects or those in a collection. + struts.ProcessAction: Pass SessionLocale from formBean to processBean. + utils.ProcessBean: Add Locale properties. + struts.FormBean: Add SessionLocale properties. + util.ProcessResultBase: Fix bug in isMessages(). + struts.BaseAction, et seq, Rework error and message handling. Processes return messages by default for display on SUCCESS page. Can dispatch if should be error. 06-JUN-2002 ----------- + BaseForm. + BaseAction.saveMessages(): add call to action.saveErrors(). + scaffold: - tweak documentation and coding. + Roll back to 1.0 + struts: BaseForm, add perform() method to provide forward-compat with 1.1. + pages/rss: Add sample RSS pages. + struts: Add parseRss(). 05-JUN-2002 ----------- + + struts.BaseForm,BaseMapForm: Add alternative import statements for validator. + model;struts;sql;util: Change import statements for 1.1 + Rollback and re-up to 1.1. 04-JUN-2002 ----------- + [...] 03-JUN-2002 ----------- + sql.StatementUtils: Rename allocateKey() to createKey(). 02-JUN-2002 ----------- + sql.StatementUtils: Add getColumn(), allocateKey(). + sql.StatementUtils, sql.ResultSetUtilities: Add getElement(). + Engine.deleteTerm: Move getReader() inside synch block to correct operation. + http.Log rename as lang.Log. Add console(),consoleln() to wrap System.out calls. + ConvertUtils: Add Timestamp getTimestamp() - initialized to current system time. 31-MAY-2002 ----------- + sql.ResultSetUtils: Add putEntry() to handle JDBC:Java type transfer. + Remove key properties from ModelBean,ModelBeanBase. + Add struts.MenuForm + Add http package for non-Struts web classes. + text.ConvertUtils: Add SHORT_ZERO, SHORT_ONE to seed default properties. 30-MAY-2002 ----------- + rowSetUtils + resultSetUtils: Add getElement() getMap() getMaps(); + statementUtils: executeUpdate, executeQuery + Engine: Add deleteTerm method. + Add lucene.Engine class from artimus. Need way to set path at runtime. + Rename http package to struts. Rename search package to lucene. + Conform imports so all Scaffolding classes are using 1.0 versions for now. 29-MAY-2002 ----------- + BaseAction: Update CatchException to use new ChainedException.getMessage(sb) method. + ChainedException: Add getMessage(sb) method to return list of all chained messages. + Merge classes from Synthis/Adalon framework back into Scaffold. // .. 21-Feb-2002 ----------- + Add SuperServlet (1.0.2 compatible) + Add setLocale to SuperAction. // ... 24-Jan-2002 ----------- + Add base Action and base Form with enhanced functionality. - - Need to review in context of latest ActionServlet before proposing for core Action package. Could/should extend ValidatorForm. + Remove obsolete TaskAction class. + Add 01-Jan-2002 ----------- + Added source zip inside the scaffold main distributable 31-Dec-2001 ----------- + Modified ModelHelper to extend BaseHelperAction + Added BaseHelperAction + ModelDetailHelper - update JavaDocs. + Added SetModelHelper - standard action to set ModelBean as session attribute. + Added RemoveModelHelper - standard action to remove session attribute. + Added FindForwardAction - Scan parameters for a matching forward name. + ModelResult, ModelResultBase - Change parameter names in signature. 23-Dec-2001 ----------- + Modified build directory structure + Moved to latest versions of Struts, Lucene + Added dependency on Commons Beanutils jar + Corrected typo in LICENSE (replaced Tomcat by Scaffold) + Added manifest with version information in scaffold jar 09-Nov-2001 ----------- + RequestSetUtil: Add coversion of DECIMAL to Double. 08-Nov-2001 ----------- + http: Add ContinueAction. + http: Fix RelayAction. Change HelperAction to use ; for seperator. Will skip empty entries. 07-Nov-2001 ----------- + Model: Add ModelAbstractException to use with unimplemented methods. 06-Nov-2001 ----------- + ResultSetUtils: getCollection will now throw SQLException if either parameter null. + StatementUtils: Refactor getCollection to accept an array of replacement parameters. + http/MasterDetailHelper: Uses two helpers to provide master/detail layout. + http/HelperAction, ModelHelper: Refactor to accept multiple helpers and pass in array. + ConvertUtils: Add several methods for number and date handling. 05-Nov-2001 ----------- + Rename ModelResultHelper as ModelHelper. Better design. 27-Oct-2001 ----------- + sql/StatementUtils: move from Artimus. update for new connection parameter. + sql/ConnectionPool: update to accept resource name as parameter. + text/ConvertUtils: initial version. + http/RelayAction: initial version -- doesn't seem to work. 25-Oct-2001 ----------- + text/Merge: initial version. adapt from Polls. + http/HttpClient,SocketUtil: move from Polls. 24-Oct-2001 ----------- + QueryUtils,QueryBeanBase,QueryResultBase,LuceneUtils: refactor to use QME. + QueryMapException: initial version. + QueryResult: Add TOKEN constant. + query/*: Move messages from Bean to Result. + lang/Tokens: initial version. + build.xml: Add WAR to deployment target. 23-Oct-2001 ----------- + Refactor ChainedException into .lang, and .util/Query* into .query package. + ChainedException: Add isCause and getCauseString methods. 21-Oct-2001 ----------- + Remove ; replaced by Query* suite. + QueryUtils: initial version. 20-Oct-2001 ----------- + Query*: Enhance to replace functionality of AccessBean suite. 19-Oct-2001 ----------- + QueryException,QueryBean,QueryBeanBase,QueryResult,QueryResultBean: Initial version. 18-Oct-2001 ----------- + AccessAction: intial version; Access class refactored to use HelperAction. + HelperAction: initial version. 13-Oct-2001 ----------- + initial version of app, based on working package