[SCAFFOLD] ======================================================================= [Ordering is LIFO. Last thing done for a day is the first item listed.] // --------------------------------------------------------------- TODO The following items have been carried forward from STATUS-003.txt and have not yet been reviewed: - ResourceServlet: Add a message resource bundle for internal messages - ResourceServlet: The PROPERTIES_KEY could be made configurable, - BaseException: Add message bundle to package and localized messages. - Engine: Make singleton instead of static - CommandStore: Refactor to use Collection based on preface. - CommandStore: Refactor to make appending preface.key optional - ConnectionAdaptor: Add Map to store reference to other datasources. - ConnectionAdaptor: Add cache to store references to the datasources by key. - StorageBeanBase: Use reflection to read parameter key and make array from - StorageBeanBase: Check for key.paramlist then paramlist. - StorageBeanBase: Permit each subclass to have its own properties (collection - StorageBeanBase: Switch to CommandStore (or eliminate that object if not - StorageBeanBase: Change from BeanUtil.populate to copyProperties in 1.1 + StorageBeanBean: Define underlying interface - StorageBeanBean: Javadocs for new classes - i18n exception messages. - Add support for Tokens.INPUT // ------------------------------------------------------------ CHANGES [2003-11-27] - Log: Using commons logging instead. Message tokens have been moved to the Tokens class. Logging should eventually be migrated to commons resources. [2003-11-26] - Work begins on updating scaffold. See also STATUS folder.