The list of to do items is as follows:
- Analysis and Requirements
- Read Leysia Palen's research on the Human Factors involved in the adoption of calendaring technology
- Research information about Goal-Driven Requirements Engineering to see how we could apply this to a more formal Requirements Analysis
- Create Use Case diagrams based on the information in Leysia Palens research, requirements discussions, and user feedback
- Development
- Integrate JAAS and Java Security classes with Turbine
- Write a set of test templates to view an Event and a To Do
object in a web browser
- Write a set of production templates to view an Event and a
To Do in a web browser (something that looks similar to
what you would see on or one of the other portals)
- Write a set of templates to view an Event and a To Do Item in
a web enabled phone
- Write code that reads/parses valid icalendar output.
- Write code that generates a valid icalendar xml document
- Write code that reads/parses a valid icalendar xml document
- Create an implementation of RFC 2446
- Create an implementation of RFC 2447
- Create an implementation of RFC 2425
- Create an implementation of RFC 2426
- Add new tasks to build file to get things ready for our first release
- Research the Sync4J implementation of SyncML and begin work on integration of that product with Periodicity.
- Documentation
- Document the build process
- Document the install process
- Document the configuration process
- Testing
- Test install process
- Test build process
- Test configuration process
- Test server for functionality