Project To Do List ================== * document the messenger.xml and subscription.xml configuration files * create a receive Ant task * consider a BeanUtils Converter to allow Strings to be converted into Destinations or Messengers? * add an option to the producer task to allow the messenger.xml to be specified * Allow the replyTo destination and Messenger to be overridden in the XML deployment configuration for Messagelets and Servlets. * provide a element in the subscriber XML document which will then act as a very simple router. e.g. * file based JMS test harness for testing JMS networks? Firing in batches of messages to certain JMS connections, via a test agent, then outputtting messages to some directory, allowing JUnit style testing. * write JMSServlet such that HTTP GET -> Messenger.receive(); HTTP POST -> Messenger.send(); * consider Messenger based appender for log4j. * a Messenger based JAXM provider, allowing SOAP messages to be sent over JMS.