2005-11-08 comons-vfs 1.0 RC6 uri praser: We have had lots of duplicate calls to fixSeparator, so normalizePath now no longer calls it. Now normalizePath assumes this has been called. This only bothers you if you use normalizePath which should never be the case and is not needed to work with VFS. (Thanks to Filip - filipdef -at - cirquedigital.com) sftp: new configuration parameter SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.timeout upgrade to jsch-0.1.23 using listChildrenResolved for performance activated RandomRead ftp: better error message if it isnt possible to aquire a input or output stream removed setLastModifiedTime, its not supported by FTP core: removed check for isWriteable in deleteSelf as its possible to delete a read-only file if you have write-execute access to the directory fixed a dead-lock problem in multithreaded environments. (Thanks to Faron Dutton PR: 37374) 2005-10-14 commons-vfs 1.0 RC5 zip, jar, tar: close archive if there is no open stream. This avoids locking on the archive. sftp: stip off link file names, though still no link-support for sftp. added filesystem option: setUserDirIsRoot 2005-09-26 commons-vfs 1.0 RC4 bzip: changed documentation to use latest commons-compress. filesystems: fix: avoid creation of filesystem if they use the same options threading: avoid gc when referencing only inputStream/outputStream of a fileObject filenames: add a type (file/folder) to filename. This is needed to allow URI style filename resolving e.g. base "file:///path/to/file" with relative name "any/file" results in "file:///path/to/any/file" instead of "file:///path/to/file/any/file" This is experimental code. Switch on with "VFS.setUriStyle(true);" before ANY other VFS operation. ant tasks: added antlib.xml - (Jacob Kjome) zip, jar, ....: allow filenames without trailing "!" allow createFilesystem with .gz files better handling of file/folder flag with compressed files ftp: check IOException instead of FTPConnectionClosedException. This should make ftp retry more robust even if for some case the state of the socket isnt correctly reported as closed. ignore nonparseable ftp directory entries. It will be logged using the debug log-level with class org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.ftp.FtpFileObject. (e.g. empty lines in ftp directory listing) avoid server-roundtrip ("LIST") if file was deleted. if you add a child this is still needed. allow configuration of dataTimeout 2005-08-13 commons-vfs 1.0 RC3 ant tasks: upgrade to ant 1.6.2 to support nested tasks documentation: made httpclient non-optional to be able to access its URIUtils class ftp: configuration to use user-home as root file: build windows filename according to the documentation. e.g. file:///c:/dir, file:////unchost/uncshare smb: now uses NtlmPasswordAuthentication for credentials passing fix for special characters in username/password allow domains with DOMAIN\USERNAME syntax 2005-Jul-5 commons-vfs 1.0 RC2 Notice: Some tests may fail unless you've followed the necessary setup as described here: http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/vfs/testserver.html This is ok; the jar will still be fine. Fixed multi-threading problems with ftp and webdav scheme Some documentation issues other minor fixes 2005-Jun-29 commons-vfs 1.0 RC1 Started the release cylce