2005-08-13 ant tasks: upgrade to ant 1.6.2 to support nested tasks documentation: made httpclient non-optional to be able to access its URIUtils class ftp: configuration to use user-home as root file: build windows filename according to the documentation. e.g. file:///c:/dir, file:////unchost/uncshare smb: now uses NtlmPasswordAuthentication for credentials passing fix for special characters in username/password allow domains with DOMAIN\USERNAME syntax 2005-Jul-5 commons-vfs 1.0 RC2 Notice: Some tests may fail unless you've followed the necessary setup as described here: http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/vfs/testserver.html This is ok; the jar will still be fine. Fixed multi-threading problems with ftp and webdav scheme Some documentation issues other minor fixes 2005-Jun-29 commons-vfs 1.0 RC1 Started the release cylce