$Id$ COMMONS SCXML J6 BRANCH -- PURPOSE -- To improve the Commons SCXML codebase using JDK 5 and 6 features. -- STATUS -- Under active development (see TASKS section at the end). -- DETAILS -- This is an experimental branch to explore improvements to the Commons SCXML codebase using JDK 5 and 6 features (originally authored for JDK 1.4). Commons SCXML uses JDK Collections extensively as part of the implementation details. Generics can pretty some of that implementation. While there are no plans as yet to leverage annotations to describe state machines (it is deemed relatively difficult to author state machines in such a "distributed manner"), it may be possible to use them for lesser tasks within the library. Other JDK 5 language improvements may come handy as well. -- TASKS -- J5 * Type safety improvements - Mostly DONE * @Override, @SuppressWarnings etc. - Mostly DONE * Enhanced for, Iterator usage - Mostly DONE * Switch to javax.xml.xpath - DONE * Static imports - WONTFIX J6 * Use javax.script for more pluggable ELs - DONE (added env.javascript package) * Rewrite parser: switch to javax.xml.stream and eliminate dependency on Commons Digester (and thereby, Commons BeanUtils as well) - DONE Misc: * Remove deprecations - Mostly DONE