Apache Commons Pool 2.4.1 RELEASE NOTES The Apache Commons Pool team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons Pool 2.4.1. Apache Commons Pool provides an object-pooling API and a number of object pool implementations. Version 2 contains a completely re-written pooling implementation compared to the 1.x series. In addition to performance and scalability improvements, version 2 includes robust instance tracking and pool monitoring. Version 2 requires JDK level 1.6 or above. No client code changes are required to migrate from versions 2.0-2.3 to version 2.4.1. Users of version 1.x should consult the migration guide on the Commons Pool web site. NOTE: The MBean interfaces (DefaultPooledObjectInfoMBean, GenericKeyedObjectPoolMXBean and GenericKeyedObjectPoolMXBean) exist only to define the attributes and methods that will be made available via JMX. They must not be implemented by clients as they are subject to change between major, minor and patch version releases of Commons Pool. Clients that implement any of these interfaces may not, therefore, be able to upgrade to a new minor or patch release without requiring code changes. This is a patch release, replacing a defective binary jar in version 2.4. Other than the build configuration the source distribution for version 2.4.1 is identical to version 2.4. Changes in version 2.4.1 include: Fixed Bugs: o POOL-297: Reverted coburta plugin update that caused binary jar corruption. Changes in version 2.4 include: New features: o POOL-286: Added preparePool method to GenericObjectPool. Fixed Bugs: o POOL-287: Fixed capacity leak when an object is offered from a GenericKeyedObjectPool while it is being validated by the evictor. Thanks to Caleb Spare and Thomas Neidhart. o POOL-283: Eliminated the requirement that objects managed by GenericObjectPool or GenericKeyedObjectPool be discernible by equals. Prior to this fix, equal but distinct object instances could not be stored in the same pool. o POOL-284: Eliminated the requirement that object equality and hashcodes do not change while objects are under management by GenericObjectPool or GenericKeyedObjectPool. o POOL-289: Fixed class loading for custom EvictionPolicy implementations that may not be present in the class loader hierarchy of the Pool classes by falling back to the class loader of the current class. Thanks to Luke Winkenbach. o POOL-285: Ensured that when an instance that has already been returned to a pool is returned again, the expected IllegalStateException is generated before the returning object is re-validated or re-passivated. Changes: o POOL-296: Update asm-util from 5.0.3 to 5.0.4. o POOL-293: Exposed getEvictionPolicy as protected in BaseGenericObjectPool. For complete information on Apache Commons Pool, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons Pool website: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-pool/