Copyright --------- Please read the copyright statement and license agreement in the COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files before using the package. NetComponents is now distributed under the LGPL and the copyright is owned by Daniel Savarese. Background ---------- This is the 1.3.8 version of NetComponents, an Internet protocol suite Java library originally developed by ORO, Inc. This version supports Finger, Whois, TFTP, Telnet, POP3, FTP, NNTP, SMTP, and some miscellaneous protocols like Time and Echo as well as BSD R command support. The purpose of the library is to provide fundamental protocol access, not higher-level abstractions. Therefore, some of the design violates object-oriented design principles. Our philosophy is to make the global functionality of a protocal accesible (e.g., TFTP send file and receive file) when possible, but also provide access to the fundamental protocols where applicable so that the programmer may construct his own custom implementations (e.g, the TFTP packet classes and the TFTP packet send and receive methods are exposed). NetComponents was originally a commercial product, but after ORO dissolved, it was continued to be made available for those who found it useful. However, no updates have been made since version 1.3.8, released in 1998. Yet the library continues to be very popular. Now that certain contract obligations have expired, it is possible to make the source code freely available under the LGPL. Building -------- You need Ant ( to build the source code. What about NetComponents 2.0? ----------------------------- The original version of NetComponents was written in a very short amount of time and subsequent maintenance releases have built on top of that original "good enough, but flawed" design. If I were to do it again, I would do it completely differently. That is a pretty common theme in software development. The experience you gain from exploring a problem space in the first version of a piece of software teaches you enough to know how to do the same thing better. A NetComponents 2.0 would be a completely new piece of software. However, the factors that led to the development of NetComponents 1.x are no longer present, and I have no inclination to do the grunt work for NetComponents 2.0. The implementation of IETF protocols is simple and uninteresting. Even though designing useful and well-designed software interfaces combined with an efficient implementation is always a challenge, I am not working on any projects that require the functionality, flexibility, or efficiency that a NetComponents 2.0 would deliver. It is the nature of opens source software development to be driven by the needs of its users. I don't have any need for a new version of NetComponents, but many of its users do. Continued development of NetComponents will have to be driven by the NetComponents user community. Jon Stevens had suggested that NetComponents be donated to the Apache Jakarta Project (http// at the same time the software that is now Jakarta-ORO ( was donated. I wanted to wait and see how Jakarta-ORO worked out before going forward with a proposal to donate NetComponents. My experience with Jakarta-ORO has been disappointing. Many developers use the software and report bugs (many of which aren't bugs), but few, if any, are willing to help advance the development of the software, leaving me as both a bottleneck and a slave to Jakarta-ORO development. I will see through my commitment to fix bugs and develop the next major version of Jakarta-ORO with Perl 5.6 compatability, but I do not wish to have the same thing happen with NetComponents. The user community must be willing to continue developing the software and share their patches, or there will be no Jakarta release. Jon Stevens successfully led the proposal effort for Jakarta-ORO and probably would have done so for NetComponents as well. But now that the window of opportunity has passed, I would have mount a proposal effort, or, ideally some other Jakarta member or avid NetComponents user. There are a series of conditions that a proposal has to meet ( before it can be voted on; and I want to ensure that NetComponents has a strong user community before a donation attempt is made. So the onus is on you, the NetComponents user, to see that NetComponents continues to be developed. First, we need a mailing list. I do not wish to become a slave to NetComponents, so I will not do anything other than apply patches and distribute the software from my web site. Someone needs to set up a developer mailing list where people can post patches. I'll maintain a web page with links to all resources, but that's it. After we've established that there is active interest in developing the software, as a member of the Jakarta PMC, I will put forth a proposal to bring NetComponents under the Jakarta fold. Ideally, some other Jakarta member will volunteer to do this so we can start off with several developers who are already Jakarta committers. I will not in any way support or condone the further development of NetComponents through SourceForge. Future Work ----------- NetComponents is "good enough" for a lot of tasks, but it has some major flaws. If you want to contribute, here are just a few things that could use some work: 1. DefaultFTPFileLister doesn't work with every FTP server. Some Microsoft and VMS FTP servers foil it. It is also wasteful of memory in that it parses the listing into a complete set of FTPFile instances when it could store the listing and just parse the listing on demand through an iterator. An FTPFileListParser implementation should be created that is backed by the original listing and iterates through it using a regular expression. Regular exxpressions could be installed based on FTP server system id's, so when a user runs across an unsupported server, he can register a regular expression rather than create a completely new hand parsesd FTPFileLister implementation. 2. Make buffer size settable for FTP data transfers using retrieveFile(). retrieveFile() uses Util.copyStream and a 1024 byte buffer which is too small for some applications (Solaris SMP). 3. Divorce FTPClient from TelnetClient, getting rid of the TelnetClient threads which cause problems on some platforms (e.g., MacOS). 4. Parse the client/server interactions without creating so many strings. Many operations are slow because of this. 5. Add ESMTP and extended NNTP commands (e.g., NNTP authentication). 6. Make NNTPClient.listNewsgropus() and NNTPClient.listNewNews() more efficient. Don't preparse into lots of little objects. 7. TLS for FTP Contact Information ------------------- All correspondence regarding NetComponents should be sent to netcomponents at I will not answer support questions, but I will accept patches and post information you provide, such as the address of a developer mailing list.