Proposal for DBUtils Package

(0) Rationale

Correct JDBC coding is time consuming and error prone. Many JDBC coding tasks can be simplified with a small helper library that factors out the mundane resource cleanup steps. DbUtils is focused on providing such a library without any heavyweight framework surrounding it.

(1) Scope of the Package

This proposal is to create a package of Java utility classes for various types of JDBC related activity. DbUtils will not be an OO representation of database objects nor will it be an Object/Relational framework. It will be a lightweight JDBC library that helps developers write correct database code.

(1.5) Interaction With Other Packages

DBUtils relies only on standard Java 1.2 (or later) APIs for production deployment. It utilizes the JUnit testing framework for developing and executing unit tests, but this is of interest only to developers of the component. Being dependent on Java 1.2 means that this code is expected to be of JDBC 2.0 level.

No external configuration files are utilized.

(2) Initial Source of the Package

Potential source code for this package will come from the initial committers' personal libraries.

The proposed package name for the new component is org.apache.commons.dbutils.

(3) Required Jakarta-Commons Resources

(4) Initial Committers

The initial committers on the DBUtils component shall be: