Apache Apache Commons DBCP Version 2.1 RELEASE NOTES The Apache Commons DBCP team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Apache Commons DBCP 2.1. Apache Commons DBCP software implements Database Connection Pooling. This is minor release, including bug fixes and enhancements. Note that one of the enhancements (DBCP-423) is to implement AutoCloseable in BasicDataSource, PoolingDataSource and the InstanceKeyDataSource implementations. Changes in this version include: New features: o DBCP-426: Added invalidateConnection method to BasicDataSource. Thanks to Kasper Sørensen. o DBCP-427: Added fastFailValidation property to PooloableConnection, configurable in BasicDataSource. When set to true, connections that have previously thrown fatal disconnection errors will fail validation immediately (no driver calls). Thanks to Vladimir Konkov. Fixed Bugs: o DBCP-420: InstanceKeyDataSource discards native SQLException when given password does not match password used to create the connection. o Correct some Javadoc references to Apache Commons Pool 2 classes that have changed names since Pool 1.x. o Do not ignore the configured custom eviction policy when creating a BasicDataSource. o DBCP-428: Unsuccessful Connection enlistment in XA Transaction ignored by TransactionContext. Thanks to Vladimir Konkov. o DBCP-432: Changed BasicDataSource createDataSource method to ensure that initialization completes before clients get reference to newly created instances. o DBCP-433: Fixed connection leak when SQLException is thrown while enlisting an XA transaction. Thanks to Vladimir Konkov. o DBCP-434: Setting jmxName to null should suppress JMX registration of connection and statement pools. Changes: o DBCP-422: Update Apache Commons Logging to 1.2 from 1.1.3. o DBCP-424: Made expired connection logging configurable in BasicDataSource. Setting logExpiredConnections to false suppresses expired connection log messages. o DBCP-423: Made Datasources implement AutoCloseable. o Eliminated synchronization in BasicDataSource getNumActive, getNumIdle methods. o DBCP-435: Added property name verification to BasicDataSourceFactory. References including obsolete or unrecognized properties now generate log messages. Thanks to Denixx Baykin. For complete information on Apache Commons DBCP, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons DBCP website: http://commons.apache.org/dbcp/