Jakarta Commons DBCP Version ${version} RELEASE NOTES ${line} For more information on Jakarta Commons DBCP, see ${pom.url} Changes in this version include: Additions: Bug fixes: Enhancements: Removed features: Known Issues (significant open issues at time of release): * Multiple issues (DBCP-3, DBCP-5, DBCP-23, DBCP-34, DBCP-61, DBCP-134, DBCP-148, DBCP-180) related to DBCP connection closing semantics. Fixing these issues could break existing clients, so they have been deferred to a major release. * DBCP-44. Evictor thread in GenericObjectPool has potential for deadlock. The GenericObjectPool Evictor thread can potentially cause a deadlock between its connection factory and java.sql.DriverManager. The deadlock occurs when the Evictor thread is trying to make enough connections to bring the pool's idle connections up to what's specified in minIdle, at the same time a connection is being requested through DriverManager.getConnection(). The suggested workaround is to either set minIdle to 0 when using the PoolingDriver or access connections directly from the pool if minIdle is set to a positive number. See the bug report for details. For a full list of open DBCP issues see http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/issue-tracking.html To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line: maven plugin:download -DgroupId=${pom.groupId} -DartifactId=${pom.artifactId} -Dversion=${versionVariable} For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here: ${distributionUrl}/${pom.artifactId}-${versionVariable}.jar ${issue}. ${body} Thanks to ${dueto}. * ${line} ${line}