Release notes for Commons-DBCP 1.1 =================================== There were a lot changes since the 1.0 release on 12 Aug 2002. * All existing featueres can now be configured by JNDI Context providers (Tomcat) * The double close() of a pooled connection is more effectively blocked (you may experience more "Already closed" SQLExceptions) * Prepared statement pooling is now implemented in BasicDataSource (set poolPreparedStatements=true, maxOpenPreparedStatements=xxx) * Access to the undelying connection is blocked by default You can access the underlying connection by setting accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed=true and by using the following construct: Connection dconn = ((DelegatingConnection) conn).getInnermostDelegate(); * New minIdle parameter for a minimum number of idle connections ready for use * New connection default properties: defaultCatalog & defaultTransactionIsolation * Missing driverClassName will now give the folowing error "No suitable driver" * Bad validationQuery will produce a meaningfull SQLException * UML Class & sequence diagrams, configuration documentation * The following issues were resolved since v1.0: (see Bugzilla for complete description) 6934 2003-09-20 Blo DUPL - infinite loop in getConnection 7038 2002-03-18 Nor FIXE DBCP does not build under JDK 1.4 7727 2002-04-20 Maj FIXE Infinite loop (stack overflow) in BasicDataSource 7728 2002-04-20 Maj FIXE BasicDataSource cannot use many JDBC drivers 8620 2002-04-29 Nor INVA Closed Connection Exception on setAutoCommit 9073 2002-07-20 Nor FIXE BasicDataSource - invalid connections are not checked 9850 2002-07-20 Nor FIXE No way to get at SQLException if connection to database fail 10592 2002-07-20 Nor DUPL dataSource.getConnection never returns in Tomcat using DBCP 10614 2002-07-20 Nor FIXE DBCP connection pooling broken in Tomcat-4.1.7 (regression) 10688 2002-07-20 Min FIXE Version in the Manifest 10969 2002-07-20 Maj FIXE BasicDataSource defaults are unusable 11507 2002-08-06 Nor INVA Cleanup dead connections 12047 2002-11-01 Nor INVA validationQuery + MSSQL 12400 2002-11-07 Nor WORK same connections 12409 2002-11-01 Blo FIXE Connection can be closed twice 12733 2003-02-06 Nor FIXE [DBCP][PATCH]Statement.getResultSet() doesn't return null if 12869 2002-11-01 Maj FIXE Abandoned Connections are never closed 13077 2002-11-07 Enh FIXE Jdbc2PoolDataSource issues 13129 2002-11-01 Nor FIXE CPDSConnectionFactory prints invalid error messages 13155 2002-10-30 Nor DUPL unexpected "exausted pool" error 13235 2002-11-16 Blo FIXE referenced UserPassKey instances get erroneously returned to 13930 2003-03-06 Enh FIXE Adding connection parameters to BasicDataSourceFactory 13988 2003-03-17 Enh DUPL permission error makes connection loop 14267 2003-04-28 Maj INVA DBCP doesn't work on Tomcat 4.1.12 and Oracle JDBC driver 14592 2002-11-15 Enh INVA DBCP must be robust against e.g. database shutdowns 14663 2003-05-14 Nor REMI Tomcat5 server hangs when trying to get the database connect 15123 2003-08-21 Maj FIXE Incorrect stack trace shown when abandoned connections are c 15539 2003-02-06 Maj DUPL Strange Result Set on output 16283 2003-02-01 Nor WONT Inproper use of Exception 16581 2003-03-06 Maj FIXE Deadlock in AbandonedObjectPool when firewall closes connect 16629 2003-03-06 Nor FIXE org.apache.commons.dbcp.jdbc2pool.Jdbc2PoolDataSource: setti 16987 2003-08-11 Maj FIXE race condition in PoolableConnection.close() 17015 2003-03-06 Nor FIXE GenericObjectPool.invalidateObject() doesn't work with Aband 17200 2003-03-06 Maj FIXE DBCP: org.apache.commons.dbcp.cpdsadapter.PooledConnectionIm 17301 2003-04-08 Nor WONT NPE in Oracle driver when using DBCP PoolingDataSource 17456 2003-04-08 Enh FIXE BasicDataSource should use commons-logging 17635 2003-03-06 Min FIXE PoolableConnectionFactory-Construction declared to throw Exc 17677 2003-05-31 Maj INVA Pooled connection architecture vulnerable to double use 17678 2003-04-01 Maj FIXE DBCP Fails silently in many cases 17680 2003-03-13 Maj INVA PoolableConnection.reallyClose() doesn't decrement active co 17911 2003-04-07 Maj WONT Problem with getConnection() and Informix 18012 2003-08-26 Enh FIXE BasicDataSource doesn't include PreparedStmt Pooling 18483 2003-04-08 Nor WONT AbandonedObjectPool.removeAbandoned never cleans up the trac 18502 2003-03-30 Blo INVA java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.pool.St 18550 2003-08-25 Enh FIXE Add defaultTransactionIsolation to BasicDataSource 18834 2003-04-08 Nor FIXE Jdbc2PoolDataSource throws a RuntimeException when database 18905 2003-08-11 Nor FIXE Couldn't get connection (Jdbc2PoolDataSource) 18921 2003-08-11 Enh FIXE Per User methods not working in Jdbc2PoolDataSource 18982 2003-04-13 Maj INVA Binary distribution missing package 19374 2003-08-11 Nor FIXE Potential for DelegateStatement, DelegateResultSet to be lef 19614 2003-08-13 Maj FIXE Poor performance under load 19615 2003-05-02 Maj INVA Unecessary global synchronized in AbandonedObjectPool method 19706 2003-08-26 Enh WONT Add Initial Commons Logging to DBCP 20649 2003-08-11 Cri INVA deadlock when acquiring connections from a pool 21132 2003-08-11 Cri DUPL Broken pipe despite validation query set 21182 2003-08-21 Nor INVA [dbcp] removing a webapp does not force connections closed 21229 2003-08-11 Nor FIXE ConnectionFactory throws SQLException but implementations do 21273 2003-08-11 Nor FIXE Memory-leak like behaviour in DBCP due to warnings chained t 21418 2003-08-11 Min FIXE Example code 21453 2003-08-11 Maj INVA NullPointerException in DBCP when used for client-server ap 21458 2003-08-11 Nor FIXE Statements and connections don't implement equals()/hashCode 21748 2003-08-11 Nor FIXE BasicDataSource.close() throws NPE 22078 2003-08-12 Nor FIXE [DBCP] testOnBorrow fails if setAutoCommit() throws an excep 22079 2003-08-13 Nor FIXE [DBCP] if connection closed twice *closed* connection is ret 22214 2003-08-11 Maj FIXE Delegating ResultSet causing NPE 22229 2003-08-13 Cri FIXE Foul connection causes livelock of all pool operations 22598 2003-08-21 Enh FIXE minIdle Functionality for DBCP via Patches Posted for common 22736 2003-08-29 Maj INVA validationQuery parameter hangs getConnection method. 22750 2003-08-27 Nor FIXE BasicDataSource always sets testOnBorrow if given a validati 22776 2003-09-20 Nor WONT DBCP should not be writing messages to stderr or stdout 23066 2003-09-13 Maj FIXE DriverManager.getConnection() throws DbcpException 23081 2003-09-20 Nor FIXE DBCP - Bad DB Validation Query Hangs Everything 23138 2003-09-13 Nor FIXE getDelegate no longer useful since v1.7 of PoolingDataSource 23157 2003-09-20 Enh FIXE add defaultCatalog to BasicDataSource 23185 2003-09-21 Nor WONT PoolableConnection.close() won't allow multiple close 23291 2003-09-20 Nor FIXE impossible to turn off all validation tests when a validatio 23293 2003-09-20 Nor FIXE setAutoCommit(true) when returning connection to the pool 23304 2003-09-21 Nor FIXE NullpointerException when no driverClassName is specified * The following issues were resolved since v1.1RC1: 22776 2003-09-30 Nor FIXE DBCP should not be writing messages to stderr or stdout (removed unneeded logging in AbandonedObjectPool) 23491 2003-10-13 Cri FIXE Can't configure PerUserPoolDataSource for use with tomcat * The following issues were resolved since v1.1RC2: 23843 2003-10-20 Blo FIXE PerUserPoolDataSource.getConnection(username, pw) may return connection under wrong username