Apache Commons Compress 1.7 RELEASE NOTES The Commons Compress team is pleased to announce the commons-compress-1.7 release! Apache Commons Compress software defines an API for working with compression and archive formats. These include: bzip2, gzip, pack200, lzma, xz, Snappy, traditional Unix Compress and ar, cpio, jar, tar, zip, dump, 7z, arj. Changes in this version include: New features: o Read-Only support for Snappy compression. Issue: COMPRESS-147. Thanks to BELUGA BEHR. o Read-Only support for .Z compressed files. Issue: COMPRESS-243. Thanks to Damjan Jovanovic. o ZipFile and ZipArchiveInputStream now support reading entries compressed using the SHRINKING method. Thanks to Damjan Jovanovic. o GzipCompressorOutputStream now supports setting the compression level and the header metadata (filename, comment, modification time, operating system and extra flags) Issue: COMPRESS-250. Thanks to Emmanuel Bourg. o ZipFile and ZipArchiveInputStream now support reading entries compressed using the IMPLODE method. Issue: COMPRESS-115. Thanks to Emmanuel Bourg. o ZipFile and the 7z file classes now implement Closeable and can be used in try-with-resources constructs. Fixed Bugs: o SevenZOutputFile#closeArchiveEntry throws an exception when using LZMA2 compression on Java8. Issue: COMPRESS-241. o 7z reading of big 64bit values could be wrong. Issue: COMPRESS-244. Thanks to Nico Kruber. o TarArchiveInputStream could fail to read an archive completely. Issue: COMPRESS-245. o The time-setters in X5455_ExtendedTimestamp now set the corresponding flags explicitly - i.e. they set the bit if the valus is not-null and reset it otherwise. This may cause incompatibilities if you use setFlags to unset a bit and later set the time to a non-null value - the flag will now be set. Issue: COMPRESS-242. o SevenZOutputFile would create invalid archives if more than six empty files or directories were included. Issue: COMPRESS-252. For complete information on Commons Compress, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Compress website: http://commons.apache.org/compress/