Apache Commons Parent 37 RELEASE NOTES The Apache Commons Parent team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons Parent 37 The Apache Commons Parent POM provides common settings for all Apache Commons components. Update plugins, add Animal Sniffer and site-basic profile Changes in this version include: New features: o Added Animal Sniffer profile (active by default) o Allow to configure dependency excludes of bundle-plugin with commons.osgi.excludeDependencies o Added property commons.changes.onlyCurrentVersion for changes plugin Jira report o Allow changes Jira report maxEntries to be overridden (default 100) o Allow changes Jira report runOnlyAtExecutionRoot to be overridden o Added site-basic profile to allow quick generation of the basic site docs Changes: o Update minimum Maven prerequisite (as defined by Findbugs) 3.0 -> 3.0.1 o Update org.apache:apache 15 to 16 (nop for Commons: maven-compiler-plugin already contained source/target) o Update Maven Project Info Reports Plugin : 2.7 => 2.8 o merged maven-3 profile into main body (Maven 2 is no longer supported) o renamed the profile jdk7-findbugs to jdk7-plugin-fix-version o Update GPG Plugin : 1.5 => 1.6 o Update Antrun Plugin : 1.7 => 1.8 Historical list of changes: http://commons.apache.org/changes-report.html For complete information on Apache Commons Parent, including instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons Parent website: http://commons.apache.org/