The Jakarta Commons Collections Package

$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.19 2002/10/21 02:03:29 bayard Exp $
[Introduction] [Dependencies] [Release Info] [Committers] [Action Items]


The Collections package contains a set of Java classes that extend or augment the Java Collections Framework. The following classes are included:

comparators subpackage:

iterators subpackage:


The Collections package is dependent upon the following external components for development and use:


Current Release: Version 2.1

Planned Next Release: ?


The following individuals are the primary developers and maintainers of this component. Developers who plan to use Collections in their own projects are encouraged to collaborate on the future development of this component to ensure that it continues to meet a variety of needs.


Want to help? Here's some "to do" items the team has identified.

Action Item Volunteer
Additional Contributions. Other collection or collection-related classes or decorators.  
Primitive subpackage. Complete implementations of a collections system based on primitives.  
MultiMap ideas. Updates to MultiMap, maybe based on this library.  
Additional Documentation. Create simple User's Guide, examples, or other documentation for this package.  
Serializable Collections. All of the concrete Collection and Map implementations should be properly Serializable across all versions of the JDK. Also, decorators should be Serializable if the underlying instance is.  
Fail-Fast Iterators. All concrete Collection and Map implementations that can have fail-fast iterators should have them. Some classes, like StaticBucketMap, cannot possibly have fail-fast iterators, but otherwise everything else should.  
Standard Constructors. All concrete Collection and Map implementations should have the standard copy and no-argument constructors.  
Additional Unit Tests. Create generic unit tests for SortedSet and SortedMap.