$Id$ Commons Codec Package Version 1.4 Release Notes http://commons.apache.org/codec/ The codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities. Compatibility o Codec 1.4 is binary compatible with Codec 1.3 o Codec 1.4 has a minimum requirement of JDK 1.4 Changes in this version include: New Features: o [CODEC-60] Implement Caverphone. o [CODEC-52] Digest on InputStreams. o [CODEC-39] DigestUtils: Add methods for SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. o [CODEC-69] Streaming Base64 (Base64InputStream and Base64OutputStream added). o [CODEC-59] Add methods to Base64 which work with String instead of byte[] Fixed bugs: o [CODEC-77] Base64 bug with empty input (new byte[0]). o [CODEC-72] Soundex and RefinedSoundex issues with character arrays. o [CODEC-71] Base64.isArrayByteBase64() method is inefficient for large byte arrays. o [CODEC-70] Thread safety and malicious code safety improvements. o [CODEC-68] isBase64 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on some non-BASE64 bytes. o [CODEC-65] Fix case-insensitive string handling. o [CODEC-61] Base64.encodeBase64() throws NegativeArraySizeException on large files. o [CODEC-58] Character set used by Base64 not documented. o [CODEC-56] RefinedSoundex creates instance before al fields have been initialized. o [CODEC-51] Test failures in SoundexTest o [CODEC-10] Using US_ENGLISH in Soundex caused an NullPointerException. o [CODEC-6] Source tarball spews files all over the place. o [CODEC-22] Base64.isArrayByteBase64() throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for negative octets o [CODEC-78] Base64: Improve Code Coverage o [CODEC-81] Base64's new constructor parameters ignored o [CODEC-83] Improve Double Metaphone test coverage o [CODEC-84] Double Metaphone bugs in alternative encoding Changes: o [CODEC-75] Make Base64 URL-safe o [CODEC-74] Allow for uppercase letters output in Hex.encodeHex(). o [CODEC-40] Add crypto-compatible BigInteger encoding support to Base64. Have fun! -The commons-codec team