$Id$ Commons Chain Package Version 2.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION ============ This is an update release with new features. New projects are encouraged to use this release of Chain. There is no urgency for existing projects to upgrade; Chain 1.2 has proven to be a stable release. IMPORTANT NOTES ================ BREAKING CHANGES: * The minimum JDK version required is 1.5; * APIs are NOT backward compatible; * Classes have been split in submodules (core, XML configuration and WEB). DEPENDENCIES ============= Chain 2.0 users should upgrade to the recommended dependency set below where possible. The Recommended Dependency Set for Chain 2.0 is: Chain 2.0 + Logging 1.1.1: The Recommended Dependency Set for Chain Configuration 2.0 is: Chain 2.0 + Digester 3.2 (and related transitive dependencies) The Recommended Dependency Set for Chain Web 2.0 is: Chain 2.0 + Chain Configuration 2.0 + Container Provided dependencies BUG ============ * [CHAIN-57] - Chain 2.0 does not build on older JDKs * [CHAIN-60] - In certain build configurations unit tests fail with the following message: testDefault: Correct command count expected:<17> but was:<19> * [CHAIN-61] - Chain 2.0 trunk build is throwing many warnings as a result of generification changes * [CHAIN-64] - Context should be Map * [CHAIN-68] - SNAPSHOT tomcat plugin breaks the build IMPROVEMENT ============ * [CHAIN-54] - upgrate JUnit dependency to latest released version and adapt tests * [CHAIN-55] - split the huge project in submodules * [CHAIN-56] - clever Context with generic type "auto-cast" feature * [CHAIN-58] - Update Chain Context interface to use K,V generics * [CHAIN-63] - Replace Context with Map * [CHAIN-66] - Updated Chain documentation to include new changes to the API * [CHAIN-67] - Refactor of explicit Exception throws to a RuntimeException type * [CHAIN-69] - Fixed Checkstyle / PMD Warnings NEW FEATURE ============ * [CHAIN-70] - Add a small EDSL to simplify Chain setup and execution. TASK ============ * [CHAIN-65] - Rename package org.apache.commons.chain to org.apache.commons.chain2 for v2 of chain OTHER NOTES ============ * This is the first version of Apache Commons Chain which contains sub-modules