$Id: RELEASE-NOTES.txt,v 1.3 2002/01/23 22:32:53 sanders Exp $ Commons BeanUtils Package Version 1.3 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons BeanUtils package, and highlights changes since the previous version. The current release adds new features and bug fixes, and is being done now to follow the release early/release often mentality. NEW FEATURES: * DynaBeans are here. Ever wondered how to created loosely typed objects like python has? That's DynaBean! Use them for EJB Dependent Objects, easy representation of servlet parameters as a JavaBean, and more. * PropertyUtils has been upgraded to allow getters and setters on List objects. Note that this is a deviation from the JavaBeans spec, but was done to make life easier for a developer using BeanUtils. To be more specific, the spec is located at http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans/docs/beans.101.pdf and we violating section 8.3.3 ;-) We hope that eventually the JavaBeans spec might be updated to include this feature. * Logging - BeanUtils now uses the commons-logging API to do any logging. System.out.println() has been deprecated ;-) BUG FIXES: