# Apache BeanUtils build instructions Building BeanUtils requires: - JDK 6/OpenJDK 6 or later (recommended: JDK 8) http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/ - Apache Maven 3 or later (recommended: Maven 3.3) https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi The compiled BeanUtils JAR should work with Java 6 or later. To build target/commons-beanutils-*.jar mvn clean package or to install into your ~/.m2/repository mvn clean install You can skip the unit tests by adding the parameter -DskipTests=true To regenerate the web site (corresponding to the official https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-beanutils/ ) do mvn clean site Note: the Apache Commons BeanUtils site should include a japicmp report for the purpose of checking API version compatibility, to enable this, use Java 7 or later and run instead: mvn clean package site -Pjapicmp