/^-.*Copyright.*Apache Software Foundation/d /^-.*Licensed *under *the *Apache *License,/d / may *not *use *this *file *except/d / may obtain a copy of the License at/d /^-.*as applicable/d /^\+.*Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation/d /^\+.*contributor license agreements/d /^\+.*this work for additional information/d /^\+.*The ASF licenses this file to You/d /^\+.*http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE/d /^\+.*Unless required by applicable law/d /^\+.*distributed under the License/d /^\+.*WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,/d /^\+.*See the License for the specific/d /^\+.*limitations under the License/d /\$Id.*\$/d /^[-+]$/d /^[-+]#$/d /^[-+]# $/d /^[-+] *\* *$/d /^[-+]\/\* *$/d /^[-+]\*\/ *$/d /^[-+][Rr][Ee][Mm]$/d /@echo off/d /^[-+] *$/d /^\+<\?xml/d //d /^---/d /^\+\+\+/d