Title: BoardReport Top-level projects report to the board once a quarter, Incubator podlings usually monthly. The ASF Board currently meets on the third Wednesday of every month, and projects need to report well in advance of that, as reports are reviewed before the meeting. *This page provides a simple template for board reports and should be read in conjunction with [http://apache.org/foundation/board/reporting](http://apache.org/foundation/board/reporting) which contains additional information.* Reports need not be exhaustive, unless you are asking for assistance. Neither do they need any technical information since the board are only interested in project health. At the end of this page there is a template for board reports. First we'll describe how some projects manage their board report during the quarter, however, like most things in the ASF projects are free to manage this process in any way they desire. * Create a template of the report in project SVN or Wiki space (see below for draft template) * Record relevant details on the report as they occur * Review objectives for the community and act upon them * Recieve reminder from "marvin" that the board report is due (usually on the first of the month) * Update board report ready for submission * Post mail to developer list asking for a review of the draft report * Incorporate feedback from community * PMC chair submits board report via board.at.apache.org with subject of "\[REPORT\] project name" (copy to project private or dev list as appropriate)