PREREQUISITES ------------- . You need a JDK 1.5.x or higher. . Maven 2 must be installed (at least 2.0.9). HOW TO BUILD CORONA ------------------- To build Corona, move into the ./parent directory cd ./corona-parent and use following command mvn install HOW TO RUN THE CORONA SAMPLES ----------------------------- Move into ./corona-samples and use following command mvn jetty:run and open your favorite browser and enter http://localhost:8190 into the location bar. HOW TO EXPERIMENT WITH THE CORONA SAMPLES ----------------------------------------- Move into ./corona-samples and use one of the following commands: mvn eclipse:eclipse mvn idea:idea Then import the corona-samples project into your IDE workspace. When the samples are running in Jetty (see 'How to run the Corona samples' above), you can edit any Java files or resources and the changes will take effect immediatly. HOW TO DEVELOP CORONA --------------------- Move into ./parent and use on of the following commands: mvn eclipse:eclipse -P all mvn idea:idea -P all Then import all corona-* projects into your IDE workspace. The Eclipse and the Idea Maven plugins take care that the project dependencies are set correctly. HOW TO ADD TESTS ---------------- Every module has a ./src/test directory that contains its unit tests. The corona-webapp project also has such a directory but the tests there are different. These are integration tests that use HTMLUnit to run tests against a running servlet container. If you want to add new integration tests, add the test classes to corona-webapp, and the test cases to corona-samples. HOW TO TEST AT DEVELOPEMENT TIME -------------------------------- The simplest way is using your IDE (Eclipse or Idea). Since the unit tests and the integration tests are based on JUnit 4.4 and Eclipse and Idea offer decent JUnit support, just run the tests as you are used to do. The integration tests of course need the samples running (see 'How to experiment with the Corona samples'). HOW TO RUN ALL TESTS IN ONE GO ------------------------------ Move into ./parent and use the following command: mvn clean install -P it -Dhtmlunit.base-url=http://localhost:8888 This will run all unit tests and all integration tests.