-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use this file to list stuff that must be synced from BRANCH_2_1_X to the trunk, or the opposite. See http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=112322817300004&r=1&w=2 There are sometimes good reasons to keep some code unsynchronized for some time, but we don't want to forget about it, so it can be listed here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slop block: @doktor comments will be added in trunk only as part of the refdoc GSoC project. We're still experimenting with this and it might still change, so there's no hurry to sync, or maybe we won't sync at all. Xsltal block is in branch only for now, it can wait for more examples before "porting" to trunk. imageop block is in branch only! HtmlUnit test framework is in branch only. Tour block has been updated for 2.1.8, need to be synced and tested in trunk.