JXTG template caching with a dynamic cache key and NOP Validity

All request parameters

This content has been generated at
Request parameters: ${cocoon.request.parameters}

Caching configuration is jx:cache-key="$ {cocoon.request.parameters.toString()}" jx:cache-validity="$ {Packages.org.apache.excalibur.source.impl.validity.NOPValidity()}"

The content will be cached separately for any combination of request parameters. Once the content is generated it never expires (unless the template source changes).
You have to use $ {cocoon.request.parameters.toString()} instead of $ {cocoon.request.parameters} because the cache-key needs to be Serializable.

Try some combinations:
Reload the page
See ?foo=bar
See ?foo=bar&bar=foo
See ?bar=foo&foo=bar (Luckily the request parameters' order is irrelevant. TBD: can we rely on such functionality?)

Next sample: Setting other validities.
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