table_id: Table Oclim modeling_realm: ocean frequency: monClim cmor_version: 2.5.0 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table cf_version: 1.4 ! version of CF that output conforms to project_id: CMIP5 ! project id table_date: 06 January 2011 ! date this table was constructed missing_value: 1.e20 ! value used to indicate a missing value ! in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE ! floating-point numbers (float or real) baseURL: product: output required_global_attributes: creation_date tracking_id forcing model_id parent_experiment_id parent_experiment_rip branch_time contact institute_id ! space separated required global attribute forcings: N/A Nat Ant GHG SD SI SA TO SO Oz LU Sl Vl SS Ds BC MD OC AA expt_id_ok: '10- or 30-year run initialized in year XXXX' 'decadalXXXX' expt_id_ok: 'volcano-free hindcast initialized in year XXXX' 'noVolcXXXX' expt_id_ok: 'prediction with 2010 volcano' 'volcIn2010' expt_id_ok: 'pre-industrial control' 'piControl' expt_id_ok: 'historical' 'historical' expt_id_ok: 'historical extension' 'historicalExt' expt_id_ok: 'mid-Holocene' 'midHolocene' expt_id_ok: 'last glacial maximum' 'lgm' expt_id_ok: 'last millennium' 'past1000' expt_id_ok: 'RCP4.5' 'rcp45' expt_id_ok: 'RCP8.5' 'rcp85' expt_id_ok: 'RCP2.6' 'rcp26' expt_id_ok: 'RCP6' 'rcp60' expt_id_ok: 'ESM pre-industrial control' 'esmControl' expt_id_ok: 'ESM historical' 'esmHistorical' expt_id_ok: 'ESM RCP8.5' 'esmrcp85' expt_id_ok: 'ESM fixed climate 1' 'esmFixClim1' expt_id_ok: 'ESM fixed climate 2' 'esmFixClim2' expt_id_ok: 'ESM feedback 1' 'esmFdbk1' expt_id_ok: 'ESM feedback 2' 'esmFdbk2' expt_id_ok: '1 percent per year CO2' '1pctCO2' expt_id_ok: 'abrupt 4XCO2' 'abrupt4xCO2' expt_id_ok: 'natural-only' 'historicalNat' expt_id_ok: 'GHG-only' 'historicalGHG' expt_id_ok: 'AMIP' 'amip' expt_id_ok: '2030 time-slice' 'sst2030' expt_id_ok: 'control SST climatology' 'sstClim' expt_id_ok: 'CO2 forcing' 'sstClim4xCO2' expt_id_ok: 'all aerosol forcing' 'sstClimAerosol' expt_id_ok: 'sulfate aerosol forcing' 'sstClimSulfate' expt_id_ok: '4xCO2 AMIP' 'amip4xCO2' expt_id_ok: 'AMIP plus patterned anomaly' 'amipFuture' expt_id_ok: 'aqua planet control' 'aquaControl' expt_id_ok: '4xCO2 aqua planet' 'aqua4xCO2' expt_id_ok: 'aqua planet plus 4K anomaly' 'aqua4K' expt_id_ok: 'AMIP plus 4K anomaly' 'amip4K' approx_interval: 30.000000 ! approximate spacing between successive time ! samples (in units of the output time ! coordinate. generic_levels: olevel !============ axis_entry: longitude !============ !---------------------------------- ! Axis attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: longitude units: degrees_east axis: X ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared) long_name: longitude !---------------------------------- ! Additional axis information: !---------------------------------- out_name: lon valid_min: 0.0 valid_max: 360.0 stored_direction: increasing type: double must_have_bounds: yes !---------------------------------- ! !============ axis_entry: latitude !============ !---------------------------------- ! Axis attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: latitude units: degrees_north axis: Y ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared) long_name: latitude !---------------------------------- ! Additional axis information: !---------------------------------- out_name: lat valid_min: -90.0 valid_max: 90.0 stored_direction: increasing type: double must_have_bounds: yes !---------------------------------- ! !============ axis_entry: time2 !============ !---------------------------------- ! Axis attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: time units: days since ? axis: T ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared) long_name: time !---------------------------------- ! Additional axis information: !---------------------------------- out_name: time stored_direction: increasing type: double must_have_bounds: yes climatology: yes !---------------------------------- ! !============ axis_entry: depth_coord !============ ! ! This vertical coordinate is used in z-coordinate models ! The units are meters (m), and it has a value of 0. at the surface ! and becomes more and more positive with depth. ! !------------ ! ! Axis attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: depth units: m axis: Z positive: down long_name: ocean depth coordinate !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional axis information: !---------------------------------- out_name: lev must_have_bounds: yes stored_direction: decreasing valid_min: 0. valid_max: 12000. !---------------------------------- ! !============ axis_entry: ocean_double_sigma !============ ! !------------ ! ! Axis attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_double_sigma axis: Z positive: up long_name: ocean double sigma coordinate !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional axis information: !---------------------------------- out_name: lev must_have_bounds: yes formula: for k <= k_c:\n z= sigma*f \n for k > k_c:\n z= f + (sigma-1)*(depth-f) \n f= 0.5*(z1+ z2) + 0.5*(z1-z2)* tanh(2*a/(z1-z2)*(depth-href)) z_factors: sigma: sigma depth: depth z1: z1 z2: z2 a: a_coeff href: href k_c: k_c z_bounds_factors: sigma: sigma_bnds depth: depth z1: z1 z2: z2 a: a href: href k_c: k_c !---------------------------------- ! !============ axis_entry: ocean_sigma_z !============ ! !------------ ! ! Axis attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_sigma_z axis: Z long_name: ocean sigma over z coordinate !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional axis information: !---------------------------------- out_name: lev must_have_bounds: yes formula: for k <= nsigma: z = eta + sigma*(min(depth_c,depth)+eta) ; for k > nsigma: z = zlev z_factors: sigma: sigma eta: eta depth: depth depth_c: depth_c nsigma: nsigma zlev: zlev z_bounds_factors: sigma: sigma_bnds eta: eta depth: depth depth_c: depth_c nsigma: nsigma zlev: zlev_bnds !---------------------------------- ! !============ axis_entry: ocean_s !============ ! ! This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from 0 at the surface to -1. at the ocean floor. ! The values of s, which appears in the formula below, should be stored as ocean_s. ! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not ocean_s. ! !------------ ! ! Axis attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_s_coordinate axis: Z positive: up long_name: ocean s-coordinate !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional axis information: !---------------------------------- out_name: lev must_have_bounds: yes stored_direction: decreasing valid_min: -1. valid_max: 0. formula: z = eta*(1+s) + depth_c*s + (depth-depth_c)*C \n where \n C=(1-b)*sinh(a*s)/sinh(a) +\n b*(tanh(a*(s+0.5))/(2*tanh(0.5*a)) - 0.5) z_factors: s: lev eta: eta depth: depth a: a_coeff b: b_coeff depth_c: depth_c z_bounds_factors: s: lev_bnds eta: eta depth: depth a: a b: b depth_c: depth_c !---------------------------------- ! !============ axis_entry: ocean_sigma !============ ! ! This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from 0 at the surface to -1. at the ocean floor. ! The values of sigma, which appears in the formula below, should be stored as ocean_sigma. ! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not ocean_sigma. ! !------------ ! ! Axis attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_sigma_coordinate axis: Z positive: up long_name: ocean sigma coordinate !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional axis information: !---------------------------------- out_name: lev must_have_bounds: yes stored_direction: decreasing valid_min: -1. valid_max: 0. formula: z = eta + sigma*(depth+eta) z_factors: sigma: lev eta: eta depth: depth z_bounds_factors: sigma: lev_bnds eta: eta depth: depth !---------------------------------- ! ! ! *************************************************************** ! ! Vertical coordinate formula_terms: ! ! *************************************************************** ! !============ variable_entry: eta !============ !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- units: m cell_methods: time: mean long_name: Sea Surface Height !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude time2 type: real !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: depth !============ !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- units: m long_name: Sea Floor Depth comment: Ocean bathymetry. !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude out_name: depth type: real valid_min: 0. valid_max: 12000. ok_min_mean_abs: 2000. ok_max_mean_abs: 5000. !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: sigma !============ !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: sigma(k) !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: olevel type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: sigma_bnds !============ !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: sigma(k+1/2) !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: olevel type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: zlev !============ !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: zlev(k) !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: olevel type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: zlev_bnds !============ !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: zlev(k+1/2) !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: olevel type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! ! !============ variable_entry: depth_c !============ ! !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: depth_c !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: a !============ ! !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: coefficient a !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: b !============ ! !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: coefficient b !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: nsigma !============ ! !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: nsigma !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- type: integer !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: z1 !============ ! !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: z1 !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: z2 !============ ! !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: z2 !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: href !============ ! !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: href !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- type: double !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: k_c !============ ! !------------ ! ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: k_c !---------------------------------- ! ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- type: integer !---------------------------------- ! ! !============ variable_entry: difvho !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Vertical Heat Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difvho type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difvso !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Vertical Salt Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difvso type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difvtrbo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_background units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Background !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difvtrbo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difvtrto !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_tides units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Tides !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difvtrto type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: tnpeo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: tnpeo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: tnpeot !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content_due_to_tides units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content due to Tides !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: tnpeot type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: tnpeotb !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content_due_to_background units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content due to Background !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: tnpeotb type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difvmo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difvmo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difvmbo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_background units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Background !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difvmbo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difvmto !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_tides units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Tides !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difvmto type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difvmfdo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_form_drag units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Form Drag !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difvmfdo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: dispkevfo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_kinetic_energy_dissipation_per_unit_area_due_to_vertical_friction units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to Vertical Friction !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: dispkevfo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrblo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Tracer Bolus Laplacian Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrblo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrbbo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_bolus_biharmonic_diffusivity units: m4 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Tracer Bolus Biharmonic Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrbbo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrelo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_epineutral_laplacian_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Tracer Epineutral Laplacian Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrelo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrebo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_epineutral_biharmonic_diffusivity units: m4 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Tracer Epineutral Biharmonic Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrebo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrxylo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_xy_laplacian_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Tracer XY Laplacian Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrxylo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrxybo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity units: m4 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Tracer XY Biharmonic Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrxybo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: tnkebto !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_bolus_transport units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Tendency of Ocean Eddy Kinetic Energy Content due to Bolus Transport !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: tnkebto type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difmxylo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_momentum_xy_laplacian_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Momentum XY Laplacian Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difmxylo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difmxybo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_momentum_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity units: m4 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Momentum XY Biharmonic Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difmxybo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: dispkexyfo !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_kinetic_energy_dissipation_per_unit_area_due_to_xy_friction units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello long_name: Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to XY Friction !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: dispkexyfo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrblo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Tracer Bolus Laplacian Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrblo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrbbo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_bolus_biharmonic_diffusivity units: m4 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Tracer Bolus Biharmonic Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrbbo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrelo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_epineutral_laplacian_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Tracer Epineutral Laplacian Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrelo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrebo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_epineutral_biharmonic_diffusivity units: m4 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Tracer Epineutral Biharmonic Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrebo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrxylo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_xy_laplacian_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Tracer XY Laplacian Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrxylo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: diftrxybo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_tracer_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity units: m4 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Tracer XY Biharmonic Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: diftrxybo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: tnkebto2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_bolus_transport units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Tendency of Ocean Eddy Kinetic Energy Content due to Bolus Transport !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: tnkebto type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difmxylo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_momentum_xy_laplacian_diffusivity units: m2 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Momentum XY Laplacian Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difmxylo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: difmxybo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_momentum_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity units: m4 s-1 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Momentum XY Biharmonic Diffusivity !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: difmxybo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: dispkexyfo2d !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: ocean_kinetic_energy_dissipation_per_unit_area_due_to_xy_friction units: W m-2 cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to XY Friction !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: dispkexyfo type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: zfull !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: depth_below_geoid units: m cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: zfull type: real !---------------------------------- ! !============ variable_entry: zhalf !============ modeling_realm: ocean !---------------------------------- ! Variable attributes: !---------------------------------- standard_name: depth_below_geoid units: m cell_methods: time: mean within years time: mean over years cell_measures: area: areacello long_name: Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers !---------------------------------- ! Additional variable information: !---------------------------------- dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time2 out_name: zhalf type: real !---------------------------------- !