[SETTINGS] workDir=/Users/huikyole/work/RCMES/cases/cordex-af cacheDir=/Users/huikyole/work/RCMES/cache # Choices: full, annual, monthly, daily temporalGrid=monthly # Choices, obs, model, user spatialGrid=model gridLonStep=0.44 ; only use with user spatialGrid gridLatStep=0.44 ; only use with user spatialGrid latMin=-45.76 ; only use with user spatialGrid latMax=42.24 ; only use with user spatialGrid lonMin=-24.64 ; only use with user spatialGrid lonMax=60.28 ; only use with user spatialGrid # Choices: False, NetCDF outputFile=NetCDF [MODEL] filenamePattern=/Users/huikyole/data/cordex-af/*pr.nc latVariable=lat lonVariable=lon timeVariable=time varName=pr precipFlag=True ; This is just used to support an unknown UNITS in precip data [RCMED] obsParamId=36 ; pcp and pr obsTimeStep=monthly ; WITH THE PARAMETER SERVICE THIS WILL GO AWAY [SUB_REGION] # Sub Region(s) Full File Path subRegionFile=../rcmes/resources/cordexSubRegions.txt