Welcome to ClickIDE =================== ClickIDE is an Eclipse plug-in for the developing Click web applications. ClickIDE is a sub project of Apache Click ant it is an open source project licensed using the Apache license. Installation ============ ClickIDE 2.1.0.x requires Eclipse 3.5.x and WTP 3.1.x. The easiest way to use ClickIDE is installing Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers and get a copy of ClickIDE from the downloads page. Unzip clickide-x.x.x.zip and put 2 folders (plugins/ and features/) into your ECLIPSE_HOME. Docmentation ============ Comprehensive HTML documentation is available online at: http://click.apache.org/docs/click-ide.html Release Notes ============= Detailed release notes are available here: http://click.apache.org/docs/click-ide-roadmap-changes.html Build Information ================= ClickIDE is built using the J2SE 1.5.0, Eclipse 3.5.x and Ant. First, checkout the source code from SVN onto a folder on your local machine: svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/click/trunk/tools/eclipse/ Next, open Eclipse and import the following plugins into a Plug-in Project: - org.apache.click.eclipse - org.apache.click.eclipse.cayenne - org.apache.click.eclipse.feature The Ant build script is located at : org.apache.click.eclipse.feature/clickide-build.xml. Note: Ant tasks have to be run in the same JRE as the workspace. To do this right click on clickide-build.xml -> Run As -> Ant Build ... -> JRE -> select the "Run in the same JRE as the workspace" radio button. From the Eclipse IDE run org.apache.click.eclipse.feature/clickide-build.xml as follows: 1) Run feature_export task This task exports plugins to the dest directory using PDE and requires an Eclipse environment. Note: Plugin exporting is executed as asynchronous job, so we have to wait for the completion of exporting before running the next task. 2) Run append_files task This task copies LICENSE.txt, NOTICE.txt and README.txt to the exported directory. 3) Run create_zip task This task makes a zip file to release. Then a plugin would be exported to org.apache.click.eclipse.feature/dest directory as clickide-x.x.x.zip.