
Building and Deploying

To build and deploy the web applications:
  1. Ensure JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and points to a JDK installation (1.4 or later).

  2. Ensure ANT_HOME environment variable is set and points to an Ant installation (1.6.5 or later).

  3. Edit file and set the dir.appserver property to point to your J2EE web container deployment directory. For example:
      # App Server deployment directory
    Note on Windows ensure you replace any \ directory path characters with / otherwise Ant may not find the directory.

  4. Run the Ant targets:
      ant build-all deploy-webapps 
    These targets will build the Click framework, extras and example applications, and then copy the WAR files to your Application Servers deployment directory.

Runtime Dependencies

The Click framework has the following runtime dependencies.
Library Version JAR / Source Author Description
Java Runtime 1.4 n/a Sun Microsystems J2SE Runtime Environment
Servlet API 2.3.1 servlet-2.3.1.jar Sun Microsystems J2EE Servlet API
Velocity Engine 1.5-dev velocity-dep-1.5-dev.jar** and source* Jakarta Velocity Velocity Templating Framework
Velocity Tools 1.1 WebappLoader source* Jakarta Velocity Tools Velocity Tools Utility Library
JDOM Library 1.0 jdom-1.0.jar * Java DOM XML Library
Common Language 2.0 commons-lang-2.0.jar * Jakarta Commons Lang General Language Utilities Library
Common FileUpload 1.0 commons-fileupload-1.0.jar * Jakarta Commons FileUpload HTTP File Upload Library
Commons Codec 1.1 commons-codec-1.1.jar * Jakarta Commons Codec Encoding Decoding Library
Commons Collections   commons-collections.jar * Jakarta Commons Collections Collection Utilities Library
DHTML Calendar 1.0 JavaScript source* DHTML Calendar Widget
* : custom Velocity build modified to support Click Error Reporting features.
* : marked libraries and source are included in the click.jar file.