Click Book ========== The Click book is written in Docbook, and makes use of the Velocity Docbook Framework (DBF) and Apache FOP (FOP) to generate output various formats such as PDF, HTML (multiple pages) and HTML (single page). Project Layout ============== The project consists of the folowing: build.xml the documentation build script the documentation properties src/css/html/ contains the HTML stylesheet and Code Syntax Highlighter src/docbook/click/ contains the Click Docbook document src/images/ contains all the documentation images src/style/html/ contains the Docbook HTML transformation rules src/style/pdf/ contains the Docbook PDF transformation rules Dependencies ============ This project has the following dependencies: # Velocity Docbook Framework (DBF) version 1.0: # Apache FOP (at least version 0.95): # Docbook XLS project version 1.75.0: # XSLTHL syntax highlighter version 2.0.1: A separate project, called 'Click Docbook', was created to distributes the above dependencies in a zip file. Building Click Book =================== Click Book is built using the J2SE 1.4.2 and Ant 1.6.5. The Ant build.xml and files are located in this directory. The main Ant targets include: all build Click Book in PDF, HTML (multi) and HTML (single) format pdf build Click Book in PDF format html build Click Book in HTML multi page format htmlsingle build build Click Book in HTML single page format Before building the documentation, all third-party library dependencies must be downloaded using the command: ant get-deps The 'get-deps' command will downlooad the dependency from the 'Click Docbook' project. The dependency is a 9MB zip file containing all that is needed to build the documentation. To build the Click Book in all available formats run: ant all