
Click provides a rich set of Controls which support client side rendering and server side processing. This section covers the following topics:

  1. Control Interface - describes the Control interface
  2. Control Callback - control event callback pattern
  3. Control Classes - control Java classes
  4. Message Properties - control message properties
  5. Container - a Container is a Control that can contain other Controls.
  6. Layouts - describes layout options and how to create custom layouts.


While this section provides an overview how Controls work please see the Javadoc, which provides extensive information and examples.

1.  Control Interface

Controls provide the server side components that process user input, and render their display to the user. Controls are equivalent to Visual Basic Controls or Delphi Components.

Controls handle the processing of user input in the onProcess method and render their HTML display using the toString() method. The execution sequence for a Control being processed and rendered is illustrated below in Figure 1.

Figure 1.   Post Sequence Diagram - created with Enterprise Architect courtesy Sparx Systems

In Click all control classes must implement the Control interface. The Control interface is depicted below in Figure 2.

Figure 2.   Control Interface Diagram - created with Enterprise Architect courtesy Sparx Systems

Methods on the Control interface include:

2.  Control Callback

Click Controls provide an event callback mechanism similar to a java.awt.ActionListener callback.

Click supports two styles of action listeners, the first is using the ActionListener interface which provides compile time safety. The second is to register the action listener via the setListener(Object, String) method where you specify the call back method via its name. This second style uses less lines of code, but has no compile time safety.

Examples of these two action listener styles are provided below:

public class ActionDemo extends BorderPage {

    // Uses listener style 1
    public ActionLink link = new ActionLink();

    // Uses listener style 2
    public ActionButton button = new ActionButton();

    public ActionDemo() {

        // Verbose but provides compile time safety
        link.setActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public boolean onAction(Control source) {
                return onLinkClick(source);

        // Succinct but typos will cause runtime errors
        button.setListener(this, "onButtonClick");

    // Event Handlers --------------------------------------------------------- 

    public boolean onLinkClick(Control source) {
        return true;

    public boolean onButtonClick() {
        return true;
All call back listener methods must return a boolean value. If they return true the further processing of other controls and page methods should continue. Otherwise if they return false, then any further processing should be aborted. By returning false you can effectively exit at this point and redirect or forward to another page. This execution logic is illustrated in the Page Execution Activity Diagram.

Being able to stop further processing and do something else can be very handy. For example your Pages onRender() method may perform an expensive database operation. By returning false in an event handler you can skip this step and render the template or forward to the next page.

3.  Control Classes

Core control classes are defined in the package This package includes controls for the essential HTML elements.

Extended control classes are provided in the Click Extras package Click Extras classes can contain dependencies to 3rd party frameworks.

A subset of these control classes are depicted below in Figure 3.

Figure 3.   Package Class Diagram - created with Enterprise Architect courtesy Sparx Systems

The key control classes include: The control classes are designed to support subclassing for customized behaviour. All control fields have protected visibility and have public accessor methods.

You can also aggregate controls to build more complex controls. For example the CreditCardField uses a Select control to render the different credit card types.

4.  Message Properties

Control strings for field validation messages and HTML formatting strings are externalized in the properties file. By using these properties files you can localize a Click application for your particular language and dialect.

4.1  Message Resolution

Messages are looked up in a particular order enabling taylor specific messages, for your controls, individual pages or across your entire application. The order in which localized messages are resolved is:
4.1.1  Page scope messages
Message lookups are first resolved to the Page classes message bundle if it exists. For example a Login page may define the message properties:
If you want to tailor messages for a particular page this is where to place them.
4.1.2  Global page scope messages
Next message lookups are resolved to the global pages message bundle if it exists.
If you want messages to be used across your entire application this is where to place them.
4.1.3  Control scope messages
Next message lookups are resolved to the Control classes message bundle if it exists. For example a CustomTextField control may define the message properties:
4.1.4  Global control scope messages
Finally message lookups are resolved to the global application control message bundle if the message has not already been found. The global control properties file is:

4.2  Control Properties

To customize the simply add this file to your classpath and tailor the specific values.

Note when customizing the message properties you must include all the properties, not just the ones you want to override.

# Click Control messages
field-maxlength-error={0} must be no longer than {1} characers
field-minlength-error={0} must be at least {1} characters
field-required-error=You must enter a value for {0}

file-required-error=You must enter a filename for {0}

label-required-suffix=<span class="required">*</span>

not-checked-error=You must select {0}

number-maxvalue-error={0} must not be larger than {1}
number-minvalue-error={0} must not be smaller than {1}

select-error=You must select a value for {0}

table-first-title=Go to first page
table-previous-title=Go to previous page
table-next-title=Go to next page
table-last-title=Go to last page
table-goto-title=Go to page
table-page-banner=<span class="pagebanner">{0} items found, displaying {1} to {2}.</span>
  <span class="pagebanner-nolinks">{0} items found, displaying {1} to {2}.</span>
table-page-links=<span class="pagelinks">[{0}/{1}] {2} [{3}/{4}]</span>
table-page-links-nobanner=<span class="pagelinks-nobanner">[{0}/{1}] {2} [{3}/{4}]</span>
table-no-rows-found=No records found.

table-inline-page-links=Page   {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}

# Message displayed when a error occurs when the application is in "production" mode
  <div id='errorReport' class='errorReport'>The application encountered an unexpected error.

4.3  Accessing Messages

Field classes support a hierarchy of resource bundles for displaying validation error messages and display messages. These localized messages can be accessed through the Field methods: These methods use the Locale of the request to lookup the string resource bundle, and use MessageFormat for any string formatting.

5.  Container

Container is a Control that can contain other Controls, thus forming a hierarchy of components.

Container enables components to add, remove and retrieve other controls.

Listed below are example Containers:

These Containers are depicted below in Figure 4.

Figure 4.   Containers Class Diagram

The following classes provides convenient extension points for creating custom Containers: Lets cover each of them here.

5.1  AbstractContainer

Enables easy creation of custom Containers, for example an html div or span element:
public class Div extends AbstractContainer {
    public Div(String name) {

    public String getTag() {
        // Return the control's HTML tag.
        return "div";
Lets try out the newly created Container above: (note the MockContext used in this test is described in the Mock Test Support documentation)
public class Test {
    public static void main (String args[]) {
        // Create mock context in which to test the container.

        // Create a div instance called "mydiv"
        String containerName = "mydiv";
        Div mydiv = new Div(containerName);
        // Add a control to the container
        mydiv.add(new TextField("myfield"));


Executing the above example results in the following output:

<div name="mydiv" id="mydiv">
    <input type="text" name="myfield" id="myfield" value="" size="20" />

5.2  AbstractContainerField

AbstractContainerField extends Field and implements the Container interface. This provides a convenient base class in case you run into a situation where you need both a Field and Container.

Below is an example of how AbstractContainerField might be used:

public class FieldAndContainer extends AbstractContainerField {

    public FieldAndContainer(String name) {

    // Return the html tag to render
    public String getTag() {
        return "div";

To test the new class we use the following snippet:

public class Test {
    public static void main (String args[]) {
        // Create mock context in which to test the container.

        // Create a FieldContainer instance called "field_container"
        String containerName = "field_container";
        FieldAndContainer fieldAndContainer = new FieldAndContainer(containerName);
        // Add a couple of fields to the container
        fieldAndContainer.add(new TextField("myfield"));
        fieldAndContainer.add(new TextArea("myarea"));

Executing the snippet produces the output:
<div name="field_container" id="field_container">
    <input type="text" name="myfield" id="myfield" value="" size="20"/>
    <textarea name="myarea" id="myarea" rows="3" cols="20"></textarea>

6.  Layouts

Controls such as Form takes care of layout and error reporting automatically, and for many use cases auto-layout is good enough.

However for custom or complex layouts, Form is not always the best choice.

There are two approaches for creating custom layouts.

6.1  Template layout

Taking the Template approach works well and it separates the Page and layout logic. For example:
public EmployeePage extends Page {

    private Form form;
    public void onInit() {
        // Create form
        Form form = new Form("form");
        // Add a couple of fields to the form
        form.add(new TextField("firstname"));
        form.add(new TextField("lastname"));
        form.add(new IntegerField("age"));
        form.add(new DoubleField("salary"));

        // Add a submit button to form
        form.add(new Submit("submit", "Add Employee"));

        // Add form the page
Lets imagine we want to create a layout using Div <div> and HTML List <ol> tags.

We could provide the markup for the employee.htm template as shown below, using a template engine such as Velocity:

<!-- employee.htm -->
    <div style="margin: 1em;">
                <label for="firstname">Firstname:</label>
                <label for="lastname">Lastname:</label>
                <label for="age">Age:</label>
                <label for="salary">Salary:</label>
Using a CSS stylesheet, the markup above can be styled and transformed into a fancy looking form.

There are pros and cons to using the template approach.

One of the advantages of the Template approach, is that the layout is explicit and one can easily tweak it if needed. For example instead of using divs and ordered lists, one can change the template to leverage a table layout.

A disadvantage of the Template approach, is added redundancy.

In the example above we created the fields in Java, and laid them out using markup in the template.

If the requirements should change to add a new field for example, one will have to add the field in the Page as well as the template.

It is also possible to "generify" the layout using template engines. Macro.vm is an example of a generic form layout using Velocity.

6.2  Programmatic layout

To combat the redundancy introduced by the Template approach, you can take a programmatic approach and use normal Java and some Click classes to build custom layouts.

Click extras provides two useful classes in this situation namely, HtmlForm and HtmlFieldSet.

Unlike Form and FieldSet which renders its controls using a Table layout, HtmlForm and HtmlFieldSet renders its controls in the order they were added and does not add any extra markup. HtmlForm will be shown in the example below.

When creating custom layouts, the HTML construct List <ul> is pretty useful. Since Click does not provide this component, lets create it as shown here:

// Create a list <ol> html element, that accepts <li> elements as children
public class HtmlList extends AbstractContainer {

    public String getTag() {
        return "ol";

    // Can only add ListItems: <li> tags
    public Control add(Control control) {
        if (!(control instanceof ListItem)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only list items can be added.");
        return super.add(control);
// Create a listItem <li> element
public class ListItem extends AbstractContainer {

    public String getTag() {
        return "li";
Another component that will be used in the example below is a FieldLabel which renders an HTML label element for a specified Field.
// Create an html <label> element for a specified Field
public class FieldLabel extends AbstractControl {

    private Field target;

    private String label;

    public FieldLabel(Field target, String label) { = target;
        this.label = label;

    public String getTag() {
        return "label";

    // Override render to produce an html label which produces:
    public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
        // Open tag: <label

        // Set attribute to target field's id
        setAttribute("for", target.getId());

        // Render the labels attributes

        // Close tag: <label for="firstname">

        // Add label text: <label for="firstname">Firstname:

        // Close tag: <label for="firstname">Firstname:</label>

Now the form can be assembled.

Continuing with the employee example from the template approach, we again create an EmployeePage, but this time an HtmlForm and HtmlList is used to create a custom layout:

public class EmployeePage extends Page {
    // A form instance variable
    private HtmlForm form;

    // Build the form when the page is initialized
    public void onInit() {
        // Create an HtmlForm which is ideal for composing manual layouts
        form = new HtmlForm("form");
        // Create a list and add it to the form. 
        HtmlList list = new HtmlList();
        // Add firstname field and pass in its name, label and the list to add the field to
        addTextField("firstname", "Firstname:", list);
        addTextField("lastname", "Lastname:", list);
        addTextField("age", "Age:", list);
        addTextField("salary", "Salary:", list);
        // Add a submit button to form
        form.add(new Submit("submit", "Add Employee"));

        // Add the form to the page
    // Provide a helper method to add fields to the form
    private void addTextField(String nameStr, String labelStr, List list) {
        // Create a new ListItem <li> and add it to the List
        ListItem item = new ListItem();

        // Create a textfield with the specified name
        Field field = new TextField(nameStr);
        // Create a field label, which associates the label with the field id.
        // label.toString would output: <label for="firstname">Firstname:</name>
        FieldLabel label = new FieldLabel(field, labelStr);

        // Next add the label and field to the list item.
        // item.toString would then produce:
        // <li>
        //   <label for="firstname">Firstname:</name>
        //   <input type="text" name="firstname" id="form_firstname" value="" size="20"/>
        // </li>
Now the employee.htm template would only need to specify the name of the top level component, in this case form.
which produces the following markup:
<!-- employee.htm -->
<form method="post" id="form" action="/myapp/employee.htm">
<input type="hidden" name="form_name" id="form_form_name" value="form"/>
            <label for="firstname">Firstname:</label>
            <input type="text" name="firstname" id="form_firstname" value="" size="20"/>
            <label for="lastname">Lastname:</label>
            <input type="text" name="lastname" id="form_lastname" value="" size="20"/>
            <label for="age">Age:</label>
            <input type="text" name="age" id="form_age" value="" size="20"/>
            <label for="salary">Salary:</label>
            <input type="text" name="salary" id="form_salary" value="" size="20"/>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" id="form_submit" value="Add Employee"/>
Again using a CSS stylesheet, the markup above can be styled and transformed into a fancy looking form.

There is a live demo showing the programmatic approach.

The advantage of the programmatic approach is that there is no redundancy. Each Field is created and added using normal Java. There is no need to specify where the Field must reside in the markup.

If new requirements arrive and more fields added, only the Page has to be updated. No need to change the template as the layout is taken care of by the CSS and markup produced by the components.

A disadvantage is that it is harder to visualize what output would be rendered by the containers.

Whether you use the template or programmatic layout approach, is up to you. Both work well and have advantages and disadvantages over the other.